Source code for pyquickhelper.cli.notebook

Command line about noteboooks.

import os

[docs]def run_notebook(filename, profile_dir='', working_dir='', skip_exceptions=False, outfilename='', additional_path='', kernel_name="python", log_level="30", startup_timeout=300, verbose=0, fLOG=print): """ Runs a notebook end to end, it is inspired from module `runipy <>`_. :param filename: notebook filename :param profile_dir: profile directory :param working_dir: working directory :param skip_exceptions: skip exceptions :param outfilename: if not None, saves the output in this notebook :param additional_path: additional paths for import (comma separated) :param kernel_name: kernel name, it can be None :param log_level: Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30=default, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL') :param detailed_log: a second function to log more information when executing the notebook, this should be a function with the same signature as ``print`` or None :param startup_timeout: wait for this long for the kernel to be ready, see `wait_for_ready <>`_ :param verbose: 0 for standard logging, 1 for more :param fLOG: logging function :return: tuple (statistics, output) .. cmdref:: :title: Run a notebook :cmd: -m pyquickhelper run_notebook --help The command line runs a notebook and stores the modified notebook. :githublink:`%|py|41` """ from ..ipythonhelper import run_notebook as _run_notebook detailed_log = fLOG if verbose else None if profile_dir == '': profile_dir = None if working_dir == '': working_dir = None if outfilename == '': outfilename = None if additional_path in ('', None): additional_path = None else: additional_path = additional_path.split(',') return _run_notebook(filename, profile_dir=profile_dir, working_dir=working_dir, skip_exceptions=skip_exceptions, outfilename=outfilename, additional_path=additional_path, kernel_name=kernel_name, log_level=log_level, startup_timeout=int( startup_timeout), fLOG=fLOG, detailed_log=detailed_log)
[docs]def convert_notebook(filename, outfold=None, build=None, latex_path=None, pandoc_path=None, formats="html,python", exc=True, nblinks=None, remove_unicode_latex=False, fLOG=print): """ Converts a notebook into a specific format. :param filename: notebook name :param outfold: notebook is first copied into this directory to make some preprocessing. This directory must exist, directory ``_convertnb`` will be created otherwise. :param build: can be the current one :param latex_path: if format includes latex :param pandoc_path: for word format :param formats: list of formats to use (comma separated), full list is ``ipynb,html,python,rst,slides,pdf,github`` :param exc: raises an exception of be silent :param nblinks: to add some link :param remove_unicode_latex: should not be necessary .. cmdref:: :title: Convert a notebook into a different format :cmd: -m pyquickhelper convert_notebook --help The command line converts notebook into HTML, RST, PDF, slides... It calls :epkg:`nbconvert` but adds some preprocessing before calling it. :githublink:`%|py|90` """ from ..helpgen.process_notebooks import process_notebooks if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find '{}'.".format(filename)) if outfold in ('.', '', None): outfold = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)) if not os.path.exists(outfold): raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find '{}'.".format(outfold)) if build in ('.', '', None): build = os.path.join(outfold, "_convertnb") if not os.path.exists(build): os.mkdir(build) if not os.path.exists(build): raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find '{}'.".format(build)) return process_notebooks( notebooks=filename, outfold=outfold, build=build, latex_path=latex_path, pandoc_path=pandoc_path, formats=formats, exc=exc, nblinks=nblinks, remove_unicode_latex=remove_unicode_latex, fLOG=fLOG)