Source code for pyquickhelper.helpgen.sphinx_main_missing_html_files

function around missing file for the documentation

import os
import shutil
from ..texthelper.texts_language import TITLES

[docs]def add_missing_files(root, conf, blog_list, fLOG): """ Adds missing files for the documentation, ``moduletoc.html``, ``blogtoc.html``, ``searchbox.html``. :param root: root :param conf: configuration module (to guess the template folder) :param blog_list: list of recent blog posts to add to the navigational bar (list) or a name for a placeholder (such as ``__INSERT__``) :param theme: theme, missing files depend on it :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of modified files The function considers the theme for the searchbox. `sphinx_rtd_theme <>`_ has a different style for the searchbox. :githublink:`%|py|26` """ # settings fold = conf.templates_path if isinstance(fold, list): fold = fold[0] if hasattr(conf, "language"): language = conf.language else: language = "en" if hasattr(conf, "extensions"): lunr = "sphinxcontrib.lunrsearch" in conf.extensions else: lunr = False loc = os.path.join(root, "_doc", "sphinxdoc", "source", fold) if not os.path.exists(loc): os.makedirs(loc) api_index = os.path.join(root, "_doc", "sphinxdoc", "source", "api", "index.rst") add_api_link = os.path.exists(api_index) if add_api_link: api_title = extract_first_title(api_index) tocs = [] # link link = '\n<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="{0}">{1}</a></li>' double_link = '\n<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="{0}">{1}</a></li>' + \ '\n<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="{2}">{3}</a></li>' # moduletoc.html mt = os.path.join(loc, "moduletoc.html") if fLOG: fLOG("[add_missing_files] create '{}'".format(mt)) tocs.append(mt) with open(mt, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("\n<h3>{0}</h3>".format(TITLES[language]["toc0"])) f.write("\n<ul>") f.write(link.format("{{ pathto('',1) }}/blog/main_0000.html", "Blog")) f.write(link.format("{{ pathto('',1) }}/genindex.html", "Index")) if add_api_link: f.write(double_link.format("{{ pathto('',1) }}/py-modindex.html", "Module", "{{ pathto('',1) }}/api/index.html", api_title)) else: f.write(link.format( "{{ pathto('',1) }}/py-modindex.html", "Module")) # f.write("""{%- if prev or next %}<li class="toctree-l1"> # {%- if prev %}<a href="{{|e }}">&lt;--</a>{%- endif %} # {%- if next %}<a href="{{|e }}">--&gt;</a>{%- endif %} # </li>{%- endif %}""") f.write("\n</ul>") f.write( '\n<h3><a href="{{ pathto(master_doc) }}">%s</a></h3>\n' % TITLES[language]["toc"]) f.write('{{ toctree() }}') f.write("\n<h3>{0}</h3>".format(TITLES[language]["toc1"])) f.write("\n<ul>") f.write( link.format("{{ pathto('',1) }}/i_faq.html", TITLES[language]["FAQ"])) f.write( link.format("{{ pathto('',1) }}/glossary.html", TITLES[language]["glossary"])) f.write(link.format("{{ pathto('',1) }}/README.html", "README")) f.write( link.format("{{ pathto('',1) }}/filechanges.html", TITLES[language]["changes"])) f.write( link.format("{{ pathto('',1) }}/license.html", TITLES[language]["license"])) f.write("\n</ul>") # blogtoc.html mt = os.path.join(loc, "blogtoc.html") if fLOG: fLOG("[add_missing_files] create '{}'".format(mt)) tocs.append(mt) with open(mt, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("""<a href="{{ pathto('',1) }}/genindex.html">Index</a>\n""") f.write( """<a href="{{ pathto('',1) }}/py-modindex.html">Module</a>\n""") f.write( """<h3><a href="{{ pathto('',1) }}/blog/main_0000.html">Blog</a></h3>\n""") if isinstance(blog_list, str): f.write(blog_list) elif isinstance(blog_list, list): f.write("\n<br />".join(blog_list)) else: raise TypeError(type(blog_list)) # searchbox.html theme = conf.theme mt = os.path.join(loc, "searchbox.html") if fLOG: fLOG("[add_missing_files] create '{}'".format(mt)) tocs.append(mt) with open(mt, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: if theme == "sphinx_rtd_theme": text = """ {%- if builder != 'singlehtml' %} <div role="search"> <form id="rtd-search-form" class="wy-form" action="{{ pathto('search') }}" method="get"> <input type="text" name="q" placeholder="{{ _('Search docs') }}" /> <input type="hidden" name="check_keywords" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="area" value="default" /> </form> </div> <script type="text/javascript">$('#searchbox').show(0);</script> {%- endif %} """.replace(" ", "") else: text = """ {%- if pagename != "search" and builder != "singlehtml" %} <div id="searchbox" style="display: none" role="search"> <form class="search" action="{{ pathto('search') }}" method="get"> <input type="text" name="q" /> <input type="submit" value="{{ _('Go') }}" /> <input type="hidden" name="check_keywords" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="area" value="default" /> </form> <p class="searchtip" style="font-size: 10%"> </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript">$('#searchbox').show(0);</script> {%- endif %} """.replace(" ", "") f.write(text) if lunr: text = """ <script src="{{ pathto('_static/js/searchbox.js', 1) }}" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" id="lunrsearchindexloader"></script> <form class="lunsearch" action="" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="check_keywords" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="area" value="default" /> <input type="hidden" id="ls_lunrsearch-highlight" value="{{ lunrsearch_highlight }}" /> <input type="hidden" id="ls_search-index-url" value="{{ pathto('searchindex.js', 1) }}"/> <input type="text" class="search-field" id="ls_search-field" name="q" placeholder="Search API" /> <ul class="results" id="ls_search-results"></ul> </form> """.replace(" ", "") f.write(text) missings = [] # ['layout.html', 'page.html'] import sphinx themes = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sphinx.__file__), "themes", "basic") for mis in missings: mt = os.path.join(loc, mis) if not os.path.exists(mt): sr = os.path.join(themes, mis) if os.path.exists(sr): if fLOG: fLOG("[add_missing_files] create '{}'".format(mt)) shutil.copy(sr, loc) return tocs
[docs]def extract_first_title(filename, underline="="): """ Extracts the first title (rst format) in a file. :param filename: filename :param underline: level of the title :return: title name (or raises an exception if not found) :githublink:`%|py|187` """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(filename) with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() look = {underline} for i, line in enumerate(lines): sline = line.strip("\t\r\n ") car = set(sline) if car == look and i > 0: title = lines[i - 1] return title.strip("\n\r\t ") raise ValueError("Unable to find a title in '{0}'\nCONTENT\n{1}".format( filename, "".join(lines)))