Source code for pyquickhelper.helpgen.sphinx_main_verification

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Function to verify the files produced by Sphinx

import os
import re
import warnings
from ..loghelper.flog import noLOG
from ..filehelper.synchelper import explore_folder_iterfile

[docs]class SphinxVerificationException(Exception): """ to format the error message :githublink:`%|py|17` """
[docs] def __init__(self, errors): """ :param errors: errors met :githublink:`%|py|22` """ stack = [] for name, line, m in errors: message = '[sphinxerror]-4 {2}\n File "{0}", line {1}'.format( name, line + 1, m) stack.append(message) Exception.__init__(self, "\n" + "\n".join(stack))
[docs]def verification_html_format(folder, fLOG=noLOG, raise_above=0.1): """ dig into folders abd subfolders to find HTML files produced by Sphinx, does some verification to detect errors, the function, the function raises an exception for all mistakes :param folder: folder to verifiy :param fLOG: logging function :param raise_above: raises an exception of the number of errors is above a given threshold or a relative threshold if it is a float :return: list of errors :githublink:`%|py|42` """ nbfile = 0 errors = [] for item in explore_folder_iterfile(folder, ".[.]html", fullname=True): fLOG("[verification_html_format]", item) if not os.path.exists(item): fLOG( "[verification_html_format] unable to find and check '{0}'".format(item)) continue err = verification_html_file(item, fLOG=fLOG) if len(err) > 0: fitem = os.path.abspath(item) if "html/coverage" in fitem.replace("\\", "/"): # we skip as it comes from coverage report. pass else: errors.extend((fitem, line, m) for line, m in err) nbfile += 1 fLOG("[verification_html_format] checked:{0} errors:{1}".format( nbfile, len(errors))) if len(errors) > 0: e = SphinxVerificationException(errors) if isinstance(raise_above, int) and len(errors) >= raise_above: raise e if len(errors) * 1.0 / nbfile >= raise_above: raise e warnings.warn("Sphinx error {0}".format(e), UserWarning) return errors
[docs]def verification_html_file(item, fLOG=noLOG): """ Verifies a file produced by :epkg:`sphinx` and checks basic mistakes. :param item: filename :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of errors (line, message) The first line is 0. :githublink:`%|py|81` """ with open(item, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = content = content.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "_#!#_LINES_#_") content = re.sub("<pre>(.*?)</pre>", "<pre></pre>", content) content = content.replace("_#!#_LINES_#_", "\n") lines = content.split("\n") reg = re.compile("([.][.] _[-a-z_A-Z0-9][:.])") errors = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "<h1>Source code for " in line or "<h1>Code source de " in line: # no need to go further # the source takes place after this substring break if ":ref:`" in line and ":ref:`{ref_name}`" not in line: errors.append((i, "wrong :ref:` in " + line.strip("\n\r "))) if ":func:`" in line: errors.append((i, "wrong :func:` in " + line.strip("\n\r "))) if ":class:`" in line: errors.append((i, "wrong :class:` in " + line.strip("\n\r "))) if ":meth:`" in line: errors.append((i, "wrong :meth:` in " + line.strip("\n\r "))) if ":method:`" in line: errors.append((i, "wrong :method:` in " + line.strip("\n\r "))) if ">`" in line and "`</span></a>-" not in line: errors.append((i, "wrong >`, missing _ in " + line.strip("\n\r "))) find = reg.findall(line) if len(find) > 0: errors.append( (i, "label or index remaining: " + str(find) + " in " + line.strip("\n\r "))) return errors