Source code for pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.yaml_helper

Parse a file *.yml* and convert it into a set of actions.

import os
import re
from ..texthelper.templating import apply_template
from ..filehelper import read_content_ufs
from .yaml_helper_yaml import yaml_load
from .jenkins_helper import get_platform

_jenkins_split = "JENKINS_SPLIT"

[docs]def pickname(*args): """ Picks the first string non null in the list. :param l: list of string :return: string :githublink:`%|py|22` """ for s in args: s = s.strip() if s: return s raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find a non empty string in {0}".format(args))
[docs]def load_yaml(file_or_buffer, context=None, engine="jinja2", platform=None): """ Loads a :epkg:`yml` file (*.yml*). :param file_or_buffer: string or physical file or url :param context: variables to replace in the configuration :param engine: see :func:`apply_template <pyquickhelper.texthelper.templating.apply_template>` :param platform: to join path differently based on the OS :return: see `PyYAML <>`_ :githublink:`%|py|40` """ def replace(val, rep, into): if val is None: return val return val.replace(rep, into) content, source = read_content_ufs(file_or_buffer, add_source=True) def ospathjoinp(*args, **kwargs): p = kwargs.get('platform', platform) return ospathjoin(*args, platform=p) if context is None: context = dict(replace=replace, ospathjoin=ospathjoinp, pickname=pickname) else: fs = [("replace", replace), ("ospathjoin", ospathjoinp), ("pickname", pickname)] if any(_[0] not in context for _ in fs): context = context.copy() for k, f in fs: if k not in context: context[k] = f if not isinstance(context, dict): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "context must be a dictionary not {}.".format(type(context))) if "project_name" not in context: project_name = infer_project_name(file_or_buffer, source) else: project_name = context["project_name"] if project_name.endswith("__"): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "project_name is wrong, it cannot end by '__': '{0}'" "".format(project_name)) if "project_name" not in context and project_name is not None: context["project_name"] = project_name if ("root_path" not in context or not context["root_path"].endswith(project_name)): context = context.copy() context["root_path"] = ospathjoin( context.get("root_path", ""), project_name, platform=platform) if "root_path" in context: if platform is None: platform = get_platform(platform) if platform.startswith("win"): addition = "set current={0}\\%NAME_JENKINS%".format( context["root_path"]) else: addition = "export current={0}/$NAME_JENKINS".format( context["root_path"]) content = "automatedsetup:\n - {0}\n{1}".format(addition, content) content = apply_template(content, context, engine) try: return yaml_load(content), project_name except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise SyntaxError( "Unable to parse content\n{0}".format(content)) from e
[docs]def evaluate_condition(cond, variables=None): """ Evaluates a condition inserted in a :epkg:`yml` file. :param cond: (str) condition :param variables: (dict|None) dictionary :return: boolean Example of a condition:: [ ${PYTHON} == "C:\\Python370_x64" ] :githublink:`%|py|112` """ if variables is not None: for k, v in variables.items(): rep = "${%s}" % k vv = '"%s"' % v cond = cond.replace(rep, vv) cond = cond.replace(rep.upper(), vv) cond = cond.strip() if cond.startswith("[") and cond.endswith("]"): e = eval(cond) return all(e) try: return eval(cond) except SyntaxError as e: raise SyntaxError( "Unable to interpret '{0}'\nvariables: {1}".format(cond, variables)) from e
[docs]def interpret_instruction(inst, variables=None): """ Interprets an instruction with if statement. :param inst: (str) instruction :param variables: (dict|None) :return: (str|None) Example of a statement:: - if [ ${PYTHON} == "C:\\\\Python391_x64" ] then python build_sphinx fi Another example:: - if [ ${VERSION} == "3.9" and ${DIST} == "std" ] then --CMD=$PYINT -u scikit-learn/;; --NAME=SKL_POLYF_PF;; fi In this second syntax, lines must end with ``;;``. If an instruction cannot be interpreted, it is left left unchanged as the function assumes it can only be solved in a bash script. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Switch to ``;;`` instead of ``;`` as a instruction separator for conditional instructions. :githublink:`%|py|158` """ if isinstance(inst, list): res = [interpret_instruction(_, variables) for _ in inst] if any(res): return [_ for _ in res if _ is not None] return None if isinstance(inst, tuple): if len(inst) != 2 or inst[1] is None: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to interpret '{}'.".format(inst)) return (inst[0], interpret_instruction(inst[1], variables)) if isinstance(inst, dict): return inst if isinstance(inst, (int, float)): return inst inst = inst.replace("\n", " ") exp = re.compile("^ *if +(.*) +then +(.*)( +else +(.*))? +fi *$") find = if find: gr = find.groups() try: e = evaluate_condition(gr[0], variables) except SyntaxError: # We assume the condition is a linux condition. return inst g = gr[1] if e else gr[3] return None if g is None else interpret_instruction(g, variables) if inst.startswith('--'): # one format like --CMD=...; --NAME==...; exp = re.compile("--([a-zA-Z]+?)=(.+?);;") find = exp.findall(inst) if find: inst = {k.strip(): v.strip() for k, v in find} inst = {k: (None if not v or len(v) == 0 else v) for k, v in inst.items()} return inst return inst return inst
[docs]def enumerate_convert_yaml_into_instructions(obj, variables=None, add_environ=True): """ Converts a :epkg:`yml` file into sequences of instructions, conditions are interpreted. :param obj: yaml objects (:func:`load_yaml <pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.yaml_helper.load_yaml>`) :param variables: additional variables to be used :param add_environ: add environment variables available, does not overwrite existing variables when the job is generated :return: list of tuple(instructions, variables) The function expects the following list of steps in this order: * *automatedsetup*: added by this module * *language*: should be python * *python*: list of interpreters (multiplies jobs) * *virtualenv*: name of the virtual environment * *install*: list of installation steps in the virtual environment * *before_script*: list of steps to run * *script*: list of script to run (multiplies jobs) * *after_script*: list of steps to run * *documentation*: documentation to run after the Each step *multiplies jobs* creates a sequence of jobs and a :epkg:`Jenkins` job. :githublink:`%|py|226` """ if variables is None: def_variables = {} else: def_variables = variables.copy() if 'Python37' in def_variables and 'Python38' not in def_variables: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Key 'Python38' is missing in {}.".format(def_variables)) if add_environ: for k, v in os.environ.items(): if k not in def_variables: def_variables[k] = v sequences = [] count = {} steps = ["automatedsetup", "language", "python", "virtualenv", "install", "before_script", "script", "after_script", "documentation"] for key in steps: value = obj.get(key, None) if key == "language": if value != "python": raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "language must be python") continue # pragma: no cover if value is not None: if key in {'python', 'script'} and not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] count[key] = len(value) sequences.append((key, value)) for k in obj: if k not in steps: raise ValueError( "Unexpected key '{0}' found in yaml file. Expect:\n{1}".format(k, "\n".join(steps))) # multiplications i_python = 0 i_script = 0 notstop = True while notstop: seq = [] add = True variables = def_variables.copy() for key, value in sequences: if key == "python": value = value[i_python] if isinstance(value, dict): if 'PATH' not in value: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "The dictionary should include key 'path': {0}" "".format(value)) for k, v in sorted(value.items()): if k != 'PATH': variables[k] = v seq.append(('INFO', (k, v))) value = value["PATH"] elif key == "script": value = interpret_instruction(value[i_script], variables) if isinstance(value, dict): for k, v in sorted(value.items()): if k not in ('CMD', 'CMDPY'): seq.append(('INFO', (k, v))) variables[k] = v i_script += 1 if i_script >= count['script']: i_script = 0 i_python += 1 if i_python >= count['python']: notstop = False if value is not None and value != 'None': seq.append((key, value)) variables[key] = value else: add = False if add: r = interpret_instruction(seq, variables) if r is not None: yield r, variables
[docs]def ospathjoin(*args, **kwargs): """ Simple ``o.path.join`` for a specific platform. :param args: list of paths :param kwargs: additional parameters, among them, *platform* (win32 or ...) :return: path :githublink:`%|py|315` """ def build_value(*args, **kwargs): platform = kwargs.get('platform', None) if platform is None: return os.path.join(*args) elif platform.startswith("win"): return "\\".join(args) return "/".join(args) value = build_value(*args, **kwargs) if value == "/$PYINT": raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Impossible values {} - {}.".format(args, kwargs)) return value
[docs]def ospathdirname(lp, platform=None): """ Simple ``o.path.dirname`` for a specific platform. :param lp: path :param platform: platform :return: path :githublink:`%|py|338` """ if platform is None: return os.path.dirname(lp) elif platform.startswith("win"): return "\\".join(lp.replace("/", "\\").split("\\")[:-1]) return "/".join(lp.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[:-1])
[docs]def convert_sequence_into_batch_file(seq, variables=None, platform=None): """ Converts a sequence of instructions into a batch file. :param seq: sequence of instructions :param variables: list of variables :param platform: ``get_platform(platform)`` if None :return: (str) batch file or a list of batch file if the constant ``JENKINS_SPLIT`` was found in section install (this tweak is needed when the job has to be split for :epkg:`Jenkins`. :githublink:`%|py|356` """ global _jenkins_split if platform is None: platform = get_platform(platform) iswin = platform.startswith("win") if iswin: error_level = "if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%" else: error_level = "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit $?; fi" interpreter = None venv_interpreter = None root_project = None anaconda = False conda = None echo = "@echo" if iswin else "echo" rowsset = [] if iswin: rowsset.append("@echo off") rowsset.append("set PATH0=%PATH%") def add_path_win(rows, interpreter, platform, root_project): path_inter = ospathdirname(interpreter, platform) if len(path_inter) == 0: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to guess interpreter path from '{0}', platform={1}" "".format(interpreter, platform)) if iswin: rows.append("set PATH={0};%PATH%".format(path_inter)) else: rows.append("export PATH={0}:$PATH".format(path_inter)) if root_project is not None: if iswin: rows.append("set ROOTPROJECT={0}".format(root_project)) else: rows.append("export ROOTPROJECT={0}".format(root_project)) rows = [] splits = [rows] typstr = str for key, value in seq: if key == "automatedsetup": rows.append("") rows.append(echo + " AUTOMATEDSETUP") rows.append("\n".join(value)) rows.append("") elif key == "python": variables["YMLPYTHON"] = value if variables.get('DIST', None) == "conda": rows.append(echo + " conda") anaconda = True interpreter = ospathjoin( value, "python", platform=platform) venv_interpreter = value if platform.startswith("win"): conda = ospathjoin( value, "Scripts", "conda", platform=platform) else: conda = ospathjoin( value, "bin", "conda", platform=platform) else: if iswin: interpreter = ospathjoin( value, "python", platform=platform) else: interpreter = ospathjoin( value, "$PYINT", platform=platform) venv_interpreter = value rows.append(echo + " interpreter=" + interpreter) elif key == "virtualenv": if isinstance(value, list): if len(value) != 1: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Expecting one value for the path of the virtual environment" ":\n{0}".format(value)) value = value[0] p = value["path"] if isinstance(value, dict) else value rows.append("") rows.append(echo + " CREATE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT in %s" % p) if not anaconda: if iswin: rows.append('if not exist "{0}" mkdir "{0}"'.format(p)) else: rows.append('if [-f {0}]; then mkdir "{0}"; fi'.format(p)) if anaconda: pinter = ospathdirname(interpreter, platform=platform) rows.append( '"{0}" create -y -v -p "{1}" --clone "{2}" --offline --no-update-deps'.format(conda, p, pinter)) interpreter = ospathjoin( p, "python", platform=platform) else: if iswin: rows.append("set KEEPPATH=%PATH%") rows.append("set PATH={0};%PATH%".format(venv_interpreter)) else: rows.append("export KEEPPATH=$PATH") rows.append( "export PATH={0}:$PATH".format(venv_interpreter)) pat = '"{0}" -m virtualenv {1} --system-site-packages' rows.append(pat.format(interpreter, p)) if iswin: rows.append("set PATH=%KEEPPATH%") interpreter = ospathjoin( p, "Scripts", "python", platform=platform) else: rows.append("export PATH=$KEEPPATH") interpreter = ospathjoin( p, "bin", "python", platform=platform) rows.append(error_level) elif key in {"install", "before_script", "script", "after_script", "documentation"}: if value is not None: if isinstance(value, dict): if "CMD" not in value and "CMDPY" not in value: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "A script defined by a dictionary must contain key " "'{0}' or '{1}' in \n{2}".format("CMD", 'CMDPY', value)) if "NAME" in value: if iswin: rows.append("set JOB_NAME=%s" % value["NAME"]) else: rows.append("export JOB_NAME=%s" % value["NAME"]) if "CMD" in value: value = value["CMD"] else: value = evaluate_condition( value["CMDPY"], variables=variables) elif isinstance(value, list): starter = list(rows) elif isinstance(value, typstr): pass else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "value must of type list, dict, not '{0}'\n{1}" "".format(type(value), value)) rows.append("") rows.append(echo + " " + key.upper()) add_path_win(rows, interpreter, platform, root_project) if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value, error_level] else: keep = value value = [] for v in keep: if v.startswith(_jenkins_split): if "-" in v: nbrem = v.split("-")[-1] try: nbrem = int(nbrem) except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "Unable to interpret '{0}'".format(v)) else: nbrem = 0 rows.extend(value) value = [] st = list(starter) if nbrem > 0: st = st[:-nbrem] splits.append(st) rows = splits[-1] add_path_win(rows, interpreter, platform, root_project) else: value.append(v) value.append(error_level) rows.extend(value) elif key == 'INFO': vs = '"{0}"'.format(value[1]) if isinstance( value[1], str) and " " in value[1] else value[1] if iswin: rowsset.append("SET {0}={1}".format(value[0], vs)) else: rowsset.append("export {0}={1}".format(value[0], vs)) else: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "unexpected key '{0}'".format(key)) splits = [rowsset + _ for _ in splits] allres = [] for rows in splits: try: res = "\n".join(rows) except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("Unexpected type\n{0}".format( "\n".join([str((type(_), _)) for _ in rows]))) from e if _jenkins_split in res: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Constant '{0}' is present in the generated script. " "It can only be added to the install section." "".format(_jenkins_split)) allres.append(res) return allres if len(allres) > 1 else allres[0]
[docs]def infer_project_name(file_or_buffer, source): """ Infers a project name based on :epkg:`yml` file. :param file_or_buffer: file name :param source: second output of :func:`read_content_ufs <pyquickhelper.filehelper.anyfhelper.read_content_ufs>` :return: name The function can infer a name for *source* in ``{'r', 'u'}``. For *source* equal to ``'s'``, it returns ``'unknown_string'``. :githublink:`%|py|567` """ if source == "r": fold = os.path.dirname(file_or_buffer) last = os.path.split(fold)[-1] elif source == "u": spl = file_or_buffer.split('/') pos = -2 name = None while len(spl) > -pos: name = spl[pos] if name in {'master'}: pos -= 1 elif 'github' in name: break else: break if name is None: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to infer project name for '{0}'".format( file_or_buffer)) return name elif source == "s": return "unknown_string" else: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected value for add_source: '{0}' for '{1}'".format( source, file_or_buffer)) return last
[docs]def enumerate_processed_yml(file_or_buffer, context=None, engine="jinja2", platform=None, server=None, git_repo=None, add_environ=True, overwrite=False, build_location=None, **kwargs): """ Submits or enumerates jobs based on the content of a :epkg:`yml` file. :param file_or_buffer: filename or string :param context: variables to replace in the configuration :param engine: see :func:`apply_template <pyquickhelper.texthelper.templating.apply_template>` :param server: see :class:`JenkinsExt <pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_server.JenkinsExt>` :param platform: plaform where the job will be executed :param git_repo: git repository (if *server* is not None) :param add_environ: add environment variable before interpreting the job :param overwrite: overwrite the job if it already exists in Jenkins :param build_location: location for the build :param kwargs: see :meth:`create_job_template <pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_server.JenkinsExt.create_job_template>` :return: enumerator for *(job, name, variables)* Example of a :epkg:`yml` file ` <>`_. A subfolder was added to the project location. A scheduler can be defined as well by adding ``SCHEDULER:'* * * * *'``. :githublink:`%|py|619` """ typstr = str fLOG = kwargs.get('fLOG', None) project_name = None if context is None else context.get( "project_name", None) obj, project_name = load_yaml( file_or_buffer, context=context, platform=platform) platform_set = platform or get_platform(platform) for seq, var in enumerate_convert_yaml_into_instructions(obj, variables=context, add_environ=add_environ): conv = convert_sequence_into_batch_file( seq, variables=var, platform=platform) # we extract a suffix from the command line if server is not None: name = "_".join([project_name, var.get('NAME', ''), typstr(var.get("VERSION", '')).replace(".", ""), var.get('DIST', '')]) if platform_set.startswith("win"): if isinstance(conv, list): conv = ["SET NAME_JENKINS=" + name + "\n" + _ for _ in conv] else: conv = "SET NAME_JENKINS=" + name + "\n" + conv else: if isinstance(conv, list): conv = ["export NAME_JENKINS=" + name + "\n" + _ for _ in conv] conv.append("export $(cat ~/.profile)") else: conv = ("export NAME_JENKINS=" + name + "\nexport $(cat ~/.profile)\n" + conv) import jenkins try: j = server.get_job_config(name) if not server._mock else None except jenkins.NotFoundException: # pragma: no cover j = None except jenkins.JenkinsException as e: # pragma: no cover from .jenkins_exceptions import JenkinsExtException raise JenkinsExtException( "Unable to retrieve job config for name='{0}'.".format(name)) from e update_job = False if j is not None: if kwargs.get('update', True): update_job = True else: if fLOG is not None: # pragma: no cover fLOG("[jenkins] delete job", name) server.delete_job(name) if git_repo is not None and project_name not in git_repo: git_repo += project_name # set up location if build_location is None: loc = None else: loc = ospathjoin(build_location, project_name, name, platform=platform) if overwrite or j is None: timeout = var.get("TIMEOUT", None) scheduler = var.get("SCHEDULER", None) clean_repo = var.get("CLEAN", True) in { True, 1, "True", "true", "1"} if timeout is not None: kwargs["timeout"] = timeout if scheduler is not None: if "FIXED" in scheduler: scheduler = scheduler.replace("FIXED", "").strip() adjuster_scheduler = False elif "STARTUP" in scheduler: adjuster_scheduler = False elif 'fixed' in scheduler.lower(): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Scheduler should contain 'FIXED' in upper case.") elif 'startup' in scheduler.lower(): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Scheduler should contain 'STARTUP' in upper case.") else: adjuster_scheduler = True kwargs["scheduler"] = scheduler kwargs["adjuster_scheduler"] = adjuster_scheduler yield server.create_job_template(name, script=conv, git_repo=git_repo, update=update_job, location=loc, clean_repo=clean_repo, **kwargs), name, var else: yield conv, None, var