Source code for pyquickhelper.pycode.utils_tests

This extension contains various functionalities to help unittesting.

import os
import sys
import unittest
from datetime import datetime
import warnings
import sqlite3
from .code_exceptions import CoverageException, SetupHookException
from .coverage_helper import publish_coverage_on_codecov, find_coverage_report, coverage_combine
from .utils_tests_stringio import StringIOAndFile

[docs]class TestWrappedException(Exception): "Raised by @see fn main_wrapper_tests" pass
[docs]def _modifies_coverage_report(name, bsrcp, bproj): conn = sqlite3.connect(name) sql = [] for row in conn.execute("select * from file"): name = row[1] for b in bsrcp: name = name.replace(b, bproj) name = name.replace('\\', '/') s = "UPDATE file SET path='{}' WHERE id={};".format(name, row[0]) sql.append(s) c = conn.cursor() for s in sql: c.execute(s) conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs]def main_wrapper_tests(logfile, skip_list=None, processes=False, add_coverage=False, report_folder=None, skip_function=None, setup_params=None, only_setup_hook=False, coverage_options=None, coverage_exclude_lines=None, additional_ut_path=None, covtoken=None, hook_print=True, stdout=None, stderr=None, filter_warning=None, dump_coverage=None, add_coverage_folder=None, coverage_root="src", fLOG=None): """ Calls function :func:`main <pyquickhelper.unittests.utils_tests.main>` and throws an exception if it fails. :param logfile: locatio of a logfile :param skip_list: to skip a list of unit tests (by index, starting by 1) :param processes: to run the unit test in a separate process (with function :func:`run_cmd <pyquickhelper.loghelper.run_cmd.run_cmd>`), however, to make that happen, you need to specify ``exit=False`` for each test file, see `unittest.main <>`_ :param add_coverage: (bool) run the unit tests and measure the coverage at the same time :param report_folder: (str) folder where the coverage report will be stored :param skip_function: *function(filename,content,duration) --> boolean* to skip a unit test :param setup_params: parameters sent to :func:`call_setup_hook <pyquickhelper.pycode.call_setup_hook.call_setup_hook>` :param only_setup_hook: calls only :func:`call_setup_hook <pyquickhelper.pycode.call_setup_hook.call_setup_hook>`, do not run the unit test :param coverage_options: (dict) options for module coverage as a dictionary, see below, default is None :param coverage_exclude_lines: (list) options for module coverage, lines to exclude from the coverage report, defaul is None :param additional_ut_path: (list) additional paths to add when running the unit tests :param covtoken: (str|tuple(str, str)) token used when publishing coverage report to `codecov <>`_ or None to not publish :param hook_print: enable print display when calling *_setup_hook* :param stdout: if not None, write output on this stream instead of *sys.stdout* :param stderr: if not None, write errors on this stream instead of *sys.stderr* :param filter_warning: function which removes some warnings in the final output, if None, the function filters out some recurrent warnings in jupyter (signature: ``def filter_warning(w: warning) -> bool``), :func:`default_filter_warning <pyquickhelper.pycode.default_filter_warning.default_filter_warning>` :param dump_coverage: dump or copy the coverage at this location :param add_coverage_folder: additional coverage folder reports :param coverage_root: subfolder for the coverage :param fLOG: ``function(*l, **p)``, logging function *covtoken* can be a string ``<token>`` or a tuple ``(<token>, <condition>)``. The condition is evaluated by the python interpreter and determines whether or not the coverage needs to be published. .. faqref:: :title: How to build pyquickhelper with Jenkins? :index: Jenkins :epkg:`Jenkins` is a task scheduler for continuous integration. You can easily schedule batch command to build and run unit tests for a specific project. To build pyquickhelper, you need to install :epkg:`python`, :epkg:`pymyinstall`, :epkg:`miktex`, :epkg:`pandoc`, :epkg:`sphinx`. Once Jenkins is installed, the command to schedule is:: set PATH=%PATH%;%USERPOFILE%\\AppData\\Local\\Pandoc build_setup_help_on_windows.bat This works if you installed Jenkins with your credentials. Otherwise, the path to ``pandoc.exe`` needs to be changed. And you can also read `Schedule builds with Jenkins <>`_. :epkg:`node.js` might be required if a notebooks contain javascript. Parameters *add_coverage* and *report_folder* are used to compute the coverage using the module `coverage <>`_. The function does something about the following error: _tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable It is due to :epkg:`matplotlib`. See `Generating matplotlib graphs without a running X server <>`_. If the skip function is None, it will replace it by the function :func:`default_skip_function <pyquickhelper.pycode.utils_tests_private.default_skip_function>`. Calls function :func:`_setup_hook <pyquickhelper._setup_hook>` if it is available in the unit tested module. Parameter *tested_module* was added, the function then checks the presence of function :func:`_setup_hook <pyquickhelper._setup_hook>`, it is the case, it runs it. Parameter *setup_params*: a mechanism was put in place to let the module to test a possibility to run some preprocessing steps in a separate process. They are described in :func:`_setup_hook <pyquickhelper._setup_hook>` which must be found in the main file ````. Parameter *only_setup_hook*: saves the report in XML format, binary format, replace full paths by relative path. Parameters *coverage_options*, *coverage_exclude_lines*, *additional_ut_path*: see class `Coverage <>`_ and `Configuration files <>`_ to specify those options. If both values are left to None, this function will compute the code coverage for all files in this module. The function now exports the coverage options which were used. For example, to exclude files from the coverage report:: coverage_options=dict(omit=["*exclude*.py"]) Parameter *covtoken*: used to post the coverage report to `codecov <>`_. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Parameter *coverage_root* was added. :githublink:`%|py|139` """ # delayed import from ..loghelper.os_helper import get_user if skip_function is None: # pragma: no cover from .utils_tests_private import default_skip_function skip_function = default_skip_function if fLOG is None: # pragma: no cover from ..loghelper.flog import noLOG fLOG = noLOG whole_ouput = StringIOAndFile(logfile) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=0, stream=whole_ouput) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.split(logfile)[0])) stdout_this = stdout if stdout else sys.stdout datetime_begin = def _find_source(fold): # pragma: no cover fold0 = fold exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(fold, ".gitignore")) while not exists: if len(fold) < 2: raise FileNotFoundError( "Unable to guess source from '{0}'.".format(fold0)) fold = os.path.split(fold)[0] exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(fold, ".gitignore")) return os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(fold)) def run_main(): # delayed import to speed up import of pycode from .utils_tests_private import main_run_test res = main_run_test(runner, path_test=path, skip=-1, skip_list=skip_list, processes=processes, skip_function=skip_function, additional_ut_path=additional_ut_path, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, filter_warning=filter_warning, fLOG=fLOG) return res if "win" not in sys.platform and "DISPLAY" not in os.environ: # issue detected with travis # _tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable #os.environ["DISPLAY"] = "localhost:0" pass # other coverage reports if add_coverage_folder is not None and dump_coverage is not None: # pragma: no cover sub = os.path.split(dump_coverage)[0] sub = os.path.split(sub)[-1] other_cov_folders = find_coverage_report( add_coverage_folder, exclude=sub) mes = "[main_wrapper_tests] other_cov_folders...sub='{0}'".format(sub) stdout_this.write(mes + "\n") for k, v in sorted(other_cov_folders.items()): mes = "[main_wrapper_tests] k='{0}' v={1}".format(k, v) stdout_this.write(mes + "\n") if len(other_cov_folders) == 0: other_cov_folders = None else: other_cov_folders = None # to deal with: _tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY # environment variable from .tkinter_helper import fix_tkinter_issues_virtualenv, _first_execution fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] MODULES (1): matplotlib already imported", "matplotlib" in sys.modules, "first execution", _first_execution) r = fix_tkinter_issues_virtualenv(fLOG=fLOG) fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] MODULES (2): matplotlib imported", "matplotlib" in sys.modules, "first execution", _first_execution) fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] fix_tkinter_issues_virtualenv", r) def tested_module(folder, project_var_name, setup_params): # module mod # delayed import from .call_setup_hook import call_setup_hook if setup_params is None: setup_params = {} out, err = call_setup_hook( folder, project_var_name, fLOG=fLOG, use_print=hook_print, **setup_params) if len(err) > 0 and err != "no _setup_hook": # pragma: no cover # fix introduced because pip 8.0 displays annoying warnings # RuntimeWarning: Config variable 'Py_DEBUG' is unset, Python ABI tag may be incorrect # RuntimeWarning: Config variable 'WITH_PYMALLOC' is unset, Python # ABI tag may be incorrect lines = err.split("\n") keep = [] for line in lines: line = line.rstrip("\r\t ") if line and not line.startswith(" ") and "RuntimeWarning: Config variable" not in line: keep.append(line) if len(keep) > 0: raise SetupHookException( "unable to run _setup_hook\n**OUT:\n{0}\n**[pyqerror]\n{1}\n**FOLDER:\n{2}\n**NAME:\n{3}\n**KEEP:\n{4}\n**" .format(out, err, folder, project_var_name, "\n".join(keep))) out += "\nWARNINGS:\n" + err err = None return out, err # project_var_name folder = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(logfile), "..", "src")) if not os.path.exists(folder): folder = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(logfile), "..")) if not os.path.exists(folder): raise FileNotFoundError(folder) # pragma: no cover def selec_name(folder, name): if name.startswith('_') or name.startswith('.'): return False if name in ('bin', 'dist', 'build'): return False # pragma: no cover if '.egg' in name or 'dist_module27' in name: return False fold = os.path.join(folder, name) if not os.path.isdir(fold): return False init = os.path.join(fold, '') if not os.path.exists(init): return False # pragma: no cover return True content = [_ for _ in os.listdir(folder) if selec_name(folder, _)] if len(content) != 1: raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to guess the project name in '{0}', content=\n{1}\n---\n{2}\n---".format( folder, "\n".join(content), "\n".join(os.listdir(folder)))) project_var_name = content[0] src_abs = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(logfile), ".."))) root_src = os.path.join(src_abs, "src", project_var_name) if not os.path.exists(root_src): root_src = os.path.join(src_abs, project_var_name) if not os.path.exists(root_src): raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find '{}'.".format(root_src)) srcp = os.path.relpath(root_src, os.getcwd()) if get_user() in srcp: raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "The location of the source should not contain " "'{0}': {1}".format(get_user(), srcp)) if only_setup_hook: tested_module(src_abs, project_var_name, setup_params) else: # coverage if add_coverage: # pragma: no cover stdout_this.write("[main_wrapper_tests] --- COVERAGE BEGIN ---\n") if report_folder is None: report_folder = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(logfile)), "..", "_doc", "sphinxdoc", "source", "coverage") fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] call _setup_hook", src_abs, "name=", project_var_name) tested_module(src_abs, project_var_name, setup_params) fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] end _setup_hook") fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] current folder", os.getcwd()) fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] enabling coverage", srcp) dfile = os.path.join(report_folder, ".coverage") # we clean previous report or we create an empty folder if os.path.exists(report_folder): for afile in os.listdir(report_folder): full = os.path.join(report_folder, afile) os.remove(full) # we run the coverage if coverage_options is None: coverage_options = {} if "source" in coverage_options: coverage_options["source"].append(srcp) else: coverage_options["source"] = [srcp] if "data_file" not in coverage_options: coverage_options["data_file"] = dfile from coverage import coverage cov = coverage(**coverage_options) if coverage_exclude_lines is not None: for line in coverage_exclude_lines: cov.exclude(line) else: cov.exclude("raise NotImplementedError") stdout_this.write("[main_wrapper_tests] ENABLE COVERAGE\n") cov.start() res = run_main() cov.stop() stdout_this.write( "[main_wrapper_tests] STOP COVERAGE + REPORT into '{0}\n'".format(report_folder)) from coverage.misc import CoverageException as RawCoverageException try: cov.html_report(directory=report_folder) except RawCoverageException as e: raise RuntimeError("Unable to publish the coverage repot into '{}'," "\nsource='{}'\ndata='{}'".format( report_folder, coverage_options["source"], coverage_options.get("data_file", ''))) from e outfile = os.path.join(report_folder, "coverage_report.xml") cov.xml_report(outfile=outfile) srcp_s = [] # we clean absolute path from the produced files def clean_absolute_path(): fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] replace ", srcp, ' by ', project_var_name) srcp_s.clear() srcp_s.extend([os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(srcp)), os.path.normpath(srcp)]) bsrcp = [bytes(b, encoding="utf-8") for b in srcp_s] bproj = bytes(project_var_name, encoding="utf-8") for afile in os.listdir(report_folder): full = os.path.join(report_folder, afile) if '.coverage' in afile: # sqlite3 format _modifies_coverage_report( full, srcp_s, project_var_name) else: with open(full, "rb") as f: content = for b in bsrcp: content = content.replace(b, bproj) with open(full, "wb") as f: f.write(content) clean_absolute_path() # we print debug information for the coverage def write_covlog(covs): fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] add debug information") outcov = os.path.join(report_folder, "covlog.txt") rows = [] rows.append("COVERAGE OPTIONS") for k, v in sorted(coverage_options.items()): rows.append("{0}={1}".format(k, v)) rows.append("") rows.append("EXCLUDE LINES") for k in cov.get_exclude_list(): rows.append(k) rows.append("") rows.append("OPTIONS") for option_spec in sorted(cov.config.CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS): attr = option_spec[0] if attr == "sort": # we skip, it raises an exception with coverage 4.2 continue v = getattr(cov.config, attr) st = "{0}={1}".format(attr, v) rows.append(st) rows.append("") if covs is not None: for add in sorted(covs): rows.append("MERGE='{0}'".format(add)) content = "\n".join(rows) reps = [] for _ in srcp_s[:1]: __ = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_, "..", "..", "..")) __ += "/" reps.append(__) reps.append(__.replace("/", "\\")) reps.append(__.replace("/", "\\\\")) reps.append(__.replace("\\", "\\\\")) for s in reps: content = content.replace(s, "") with open(outcov, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(content) write_covlog(None) if dump_coverage is not None: # delayed import from ..filehelper import synchronize_folder src = os.path.dirname(outfile) stdout_this.write("[main_wrapper_tests] dump coverage from '{1}' to '{0}'\n".format( dump_coverage, outfile)) synchronize_folder(src, dump_coverage, copy_1to2=True, fLOG=fLOG) if other_cov_folders is not None: source = _find_source(src) if not source: raise FileNotFoundError( "Unable to find source '{0}' from '{1}'".format(source, src)) if coverage_root: source_src = os.path.join(source, coverage_root) if os.path.exists(source_src): source = source_src stdout_this.write( "[main_wrapper_tests] ADD COVERAGE for source='{0}'\n".format(source)) covs = list(_[0] for _ in other_cov_folders.values()) covs.append(os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath(os.path.join(src, '.coverage')))) stdout_this.write( "[main_wrapper_tests] ADD COVERAGE COMBINE={0}\n".format(covs)) stdout_this.write( "[main_wrapper_tests] DUMP INTO='{0}'\n".format(src)) try: coverage_combine(covs, src, source) write_covlog(covs) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("[main_wrapper_tests] {}".format( str(e).replace("\n", " "))) if covtoken: if isinstance(covtoken, tuple): if eval(covtoken[1]): # publishing token mes = "[main_wrapper_tests] PUBLISH COVERAGE to codecov '{0}' EVAL ({1})".format( covtoken[0], covtoken[1]) if stdout is not None: stdout.write(mes) stdout_this.write(mes + '\n') fLOG(mes) publish_coverage_on_codecov( token=covtoken[0], path=outfile, fLOG=fLOG) else: fLOG( "[main_wrapper_tests] skip publishing coverage to codecov due to False:", covtoken[1]) else: # publishing token fLOG( "[main_wrapper_tests] publishing coverage to codecov", covtoken) publish_coverage_on_codecov( token=covtoken, path=outfile, fLOG=fLOG) stdout_this.write("[main_wrapper_tests] --- COVERAGE END ---\n") else: stdout_this.write( "[main_wrapper_tests] --- NO COVERAGE BEGIN ---\n") if covtoken and (not isinstance(covtoken, tuple) or eval(covtoken[1])): raise CoverageException( # pragma: no cover "covtoken is not null but add_coverage is not True, coverage cannot be published") tested_module(src_abs, project_var_name, setup_params) res = run_main() stdout_this.write("[main_wrapper_tests] --- NO COVERAGE END ---\n") fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] SUMMARY -------------------------") for r in res["tests"]: k = str(r[1]) if "errors=0" not in k or "failures=0" not in k: fLOG("*", r[1], r[0]) # pragma: no cover fLOG("[main_wrapper_tests] CHECK EXCEPTION -----------------") err = res.get("err", "") if len(err) > 0: # pragma: no cover # Remove most of the Sphinx warnings (sphinx < 1.8) lines = err.split("\n") lines = [ _ for _ in lines if _ and "is already registered, it will be overridden" not in _] err = "\n".join(lines) if len(err) > 0: raise TestWrappedException(err) # pragma: no cover datetime_end = rows = ["[main_wrapper_tests] END", "[main_wrapper_tests] begin time {0}".format(datetime_begin), "[main_wrapper_tests] end time {0}".format(datetime_end), "[main_wrapper_tests] duration {0}".format(datetime_end - datetime_begin)] for row in rows: fLOG(row) stdout_this.write(row + "\n")