Source code for pyquickhelper.pycode.utils_tests_private

This extension contains various functionalities to help unittesting.

import os
import sys
import glob
import re
import unittest
import warnings
from io import StringIO
from .utils_tests_stringio import StringIOAndFile
from .default_filter_warning import default_filter_warning
from ..filehelper.synchelper import remove_folder
from ..loghelper.flog import run_cmd, noLOG

[docs]def get_test_file(filter, folder=None, no_subfolder=False, fLOG=noLOG, root=None): """ Returns the list of test files. :param folder: path to look (or paths to look if it is a list) :param filter: only select files matching the pattern (ex: test*) :param no_subfolder: the function investigates the folder *folder* and does not try any subfolder in ``{"_nrt", "_unittest", "_unittests"}`` :param fLOG: logging function :param root: root or folder which contains the project, rules applyong on folder name will not apply on it :return: a list of test files :githublink:`%|py|30` """ if no_subfolder: dirs = [folder] else: expected = {"_nrt", "_unittest", "_unittests"} if folder is None: path = os.path.split(__file__)[0] dirs = [os.path.join(path, "..", "..", d) for d in expected] elif isinstance(folder, str): if not os.path.exists(folder): raise FileNotFoundError(folder) # pragma: no cover last = os.path.split(folder)[-1] if last in expected: dirs = [folder] else: dirs = [os.path.join(folder, d) for d in expected] else: dirs = folder for d in dirs: if not os.path.exists(d): raise FileNotFoundError(d) copypaths = list(sys.path) li = [] for fold in dirs: if "__pycache__" in fold or "site-packages" in fold: continue if not os.path.exists(fold): continue if fold not in sys.path and fold != ".": sys.path.append(fold) content = glob.glob(fold + "/" + filter) if filter != "temp_*": if root is not None: def remove_root(p): if p.startswith(root): return p[len(root):] return p couples = [(remove_root(il), il) for il in content] else: couples = [(il, il) for il in content] content = [] for il, fu in couples: if "test_" in il and ".py" in il and ".py.err" not in il and \ ".py.out" not in il and ".py.warn" not in il and \ "test_main" not in il and "temp_" not in il and \ "temp2_" not in il and ".pyo" not in il and \ "" not in il and \ ".pyc" not in il and ".pyd" not in il and \ ".so" not in il and ".py~" not in il: content.append(fu) li.extend(content) fLOG("[get_test_file], inspecting", dirs) lid = glob.glob(fold + "/*") for il in lid: if os.path.isdir(il): temp = get_test_file( filter, il, no_subfolder=True, fLOG=fLOG, root=root) temp = list(temp) li.extend(temp) # we restore sys.path sys.path = copypaths return li
[docs]def get_estimation_time(file): """ Return an estimation of the processing time, it extracts the number in ``(time=5s)`` for example. :param file: filename :return: int :githublink:`%|py|107` """ try: f = open(file, "r", errors="ignore") li = f.readlines() f.close() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Issue with '{0}'\n{1}\n{2}".format( file, type(e), e), UserWarning) return 10 try: s = ''.join(li) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "Probably an enconding issue for file '{0}'\n{1}\n{2}".format( file, type(e), e), UserWarning) return 10 c = re.compile("[(]time=([0-9]+)s[)]").search(s) if c is None: return 0 return int(c.groups()[0])
[docs]def import_files(li, additional_ut_path=None, fLOG=noLOG): """ Runs all tests in file list ``li``. :param li: list of files (python scripts) :param additional_ut_path: additional paths to add when running the unit tests :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of tests [ ( testsuite, file) ] :githublink:`%|py|137` """ allsuite = [] for le in li: copypath = list(sys.path) sdir = os.path.split(le)[0] if sdir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(sdir) if additional_ut_path: for p in additional_ut_path: if isinstance(p, tuple): if p[1]: sys.path.insert(0, p[0]) else: sys.path.append(p[0]) else: sys.path.append(p) tl = os.path.split(le)[1] fi = tl.replace(".py", "") try: mo = __import__(fi) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("Unable to import '{}' due to {}.\nsys.path=\n{}".format( fi, e, "\n".join(sys.path))) # some tests can mess up with the import path sys.path = copypath cl = dir(mo) for c in cl: if len(c) < 5 or c[:4] != "Test": continue # test class c testsuite = unittest.TestSuite() loc = locals() exec( compile("di = dir (mo." + c + ")", "", "exec"), globals(), loc) di = loc["di"] for d in di: if len(d) >= 6 and d[:5] == "_test": raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "a function _test is still deactivated %s in %s" % (d, c)) if len(d) < 5 or d[:4] != "test": continue # method d.c loc = locals() code = "t = mo." + c + "(\"" + d + "\")" cp = compile(code, "", "exec") try: exec(cp, globals(), loc) except Exception as e: raise Exception( # pragma: no cover "Unable to execute code '{0}'".format(code)) from e t = loc["t"] testsuite.addTest(t) allsuite.append((testsuite, le)) return allsuite
[docs]def clean(folder=None, fLOG=noLOG): """ Does the cleaning. :param dir: directory :param fLOG: logging function :githublink:`%|py|206` """ # do not use SVN here just in case some files are not checked in. for log_file in ["temp_hal_log.txt", "temp_hal_log2.txt", "temp_hal_log_.txt", "temp_log.txt", "temp_log2.txt", ]: li = get_test_file(log_file, folder=folder) for el in li: try: if os.path.isfile(el): os.remove(el) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover fLOG("[clean] unable to remove file '{}' due to {}".format( el, str(e).replace("\n", " "))) li = get_test_file("temp_*") for el in li: try: if os.path.isfile(el): os.remove(el) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover fLOG("[clean] unable to remove file '{}' due to {}".format( el, str(e).replace("\n", " "))) for el in li: try: if os.path.isdir(el): remove_folder(el) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover fLOG("[clean] unable to remove dir '{}' due to {}".format( el, str(e).replace("\n", " ")))
[docs]def main_run_test(runner, path_test=None, limit_max=1e9, log=False, skip=-1, skip_list=None, on_stderr=False, processes=False, skip_function=None, additional_ut_path=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, filter_warning=None, fLOG=noLOG): """ Runs all unit tests, the function looks into the folder _unittest and extract from all files beginning by `test_` all methods starting by `test_`. Each files should mention an execution time. Tests are sorted by increasing order. :param runner: unittest Runner :param path_test: path to look, if None, looks for defaults path related to this project :param limit_max: avoid running tests longer than limit seconds :param log: if True, enables intermediate files :param skip: if skip != -1, skip the first "skip" test files :param skip_list: skip unit test id in this list (by index, starting by 1) :param skip_function: *function(filename,content,duration) --> boolean* to skip a unit test :param on_stderr: if True, publish everything on stderr at the end :param processes: to run the unit test in a separate process (with function :func:`run_cmd <pyquickhelper.loghelper.run_cmd.run_cmd>`), however, to make that happen, you need to specify ``exit=False`` for each test file, see `unittest.main <>`_ :param additional_ut_path: additional paths to add when running the unit tests :param stdout: if not None, use this stream instead of *sys.stdout* :param stderr: if not None, use this stream instead of *sys.stderr* :param filter_warning: function which removes some warnings in the final output, if None, the function filters out some recurrent warnings in jupyter (signature: ``def filter_warning(w: warning) -> bool``), :func:`default_filter_warning <pyquickhelper.pycode.default_filter_warning.default_filter_warning>` :param fLOG: logging function :return: dictionnary: ``{ "err": err, "tests":list of couple (file, test results) }`` :githublink:`%|py|268` """ if skip_list is None: skip_list = set() else: skip_list = set(skip_list) if filter_warning is None: filter_warning = default_filter_warning # checking that the module does not belong to the installed modules if path_test is not None: path_module = os.path.join(sys.executable, "Lib", "site-packages") paths = [os.path.join(path_module, "src"), ] for path in paths: if os.path.exists(path): raise FileExistsError( # pragma: no cover "This path should not exist '{}'.".format(path)) def short_name(el): cut = os.path.split(el) cut = os.path.split(cut[0])[-1] + "/" + cut[-1] return cut # sort the test by increasing expected time fLOG("[main_run_test] path_test", path_test) li = get_test_file("test*", folder=path_test, fLOG=fLOG, root=path_test) if len(li) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError("no test files in " + path_test) est = [get_estimation_time(el) for el in li] co = [(e, short_name(el), el) for e, el in zip(est, li)] co.sort() # we check we do not run twice the same file done = {} duplicate = [] for _, cut, lc in co: if cut in done: duplicate.append((cut, lc)) done[cut] = True if len(duplicate) > 0: # pragma: no cover s = list(set(duplicate)) s.sort() mes = "\n".join(str(_) for _ in s) raise Exception("duplicated test file were detected:\n" + mes) # check existing if len(co) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "unable to find any test files in {0}".format(path_test)) if skip != -1: fLOG("[main_run_test] found ", len(co), " test files skipping", skip) else: fLOG("[main_run_test] found ", len(co), " test files") # extract the test classes cco = [] duration = {} index = 0 for e, cut, l in co: if e > limit_max: continue # pragma: no cover cco.append((e, l)) cut = os.path.split(l) cut = os.path.split(cut[0])[-1] + "/" + cut[-1] duration[cut] = e index += 1 exp = re.compile("Ran ([0-9]+) tests? in ([.0-9]+)s") # run the test li = [a[1] for a in cco] suite = import_files(li, additional_ut_path=additional_ut_path, fLOG=fLOG) lis = [os.path.split(name)[-1] for _, name in suite] keep = [] # redirect standard output, error fLOG("[main_run_test] redirect stdout, stderr") memo_stdout = sys.stdout memout = sys.stdout if stdout is None else stdout fail = 0 allwarn = [] memo_stderr = sys.stderr memerr = sys.stderr if stderr is None else stderr fullstderr = StringIO() # displays memout.write("[main_run_test] ---- JENKINS BEGIN UNIT TESTS ----") memout.write( "[main_run_test] ---- BEGIN UNIT TEST for {0}\n".format(path_test)) # display all tests for i, s in enumerate(suite): if skip >= 0 and i < skip: continue # pragma: no cover if i + 1 in skip_list: continue # pragma: no cover cut = os.path.split(s[1]) cut = os.path.split(cut[0])[-1] + "/" + cut[-1] if skip_function is not None: with open(s[1], "r") as f: content = if skip_function(s[1], content, duration.get(cut, None)): continue if cut not in duration: raise Exception("{0} not found in\n{1}".format( cut, "\n".join(sorted(duration.keys())))) dur = duration[cut] zzz = "\ntest % 3d (%04ds), %s" % (i + 1, dur, cut) memout.write(zzz) memout.write("\n") # displays memout.write("[main_run_test] ---- RUN UT\n") original_stream = if isinstance(, StringIOAndFile) else None # run all tests last_s = None for i, s in enumerate(suite): last_s = s if skip >= 0 and i < skip: continue # pragma: no cover if i + 1 in skip_list: continue # pragma: no cover cut = os.path.split(s[1]) cut = os.path.split(cut[0])[-1] + "/" + cut[-1] if skip_function is not None: with open(s[1], "r") as f: content = if skip_function(s[1], content, duration.get(cut, None)): continue zzz = "running test % 3d, %s" % (i + 1, cut) zzz += (60 - len(zzz)) * " " memout.write(zzz) # the errors are logged into a file just beside the test file newstdr = StringIOAndFile(s[1] + ".err") keepstdr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = newstdr list_warn = [] if processes: cmd = sys.executable.replace("w.exe", ".exe") + " " + li[i] out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True) if len(err) > 0: sys.stderr.write(err) else: if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") if original_stream is not None: original_stream.begin_test(s[1]) r =[0]) out = if original_stream is not None: original_stream.end_test(s[1]) for ww in w: list_warn.append((ww, s)) else: if original_stream is not None: original_stream.begin_test(s[1]) r =[0]) out = if original_stream is not None: original_stream.end_test(s[1]) ti = exp.findall(out)[-1] # don't modify it, PyCharm does not get it right (ti is a tuple) add = " ran %s tests in %ss" % ti sys.stderr = keepstdr memout.write(add) if not r.wasSuccessful(): err = out.split("===========") err = err[-1] memout.write("\n") try: memout.write(err) except UnicodeDecodeError: err_e = err.decode("ascii", errors="ignore") memout.write(err_e) except UnicodeEncodeError: try: err_e = err.encode("ascii", errors="ignore") memout.write(err_e) except TypeError: err_e = err.encode("ascii", errors="ignore").decode( 'ascii', errors='ingore') memout.write(err_e) # stores the output in case of an error with open(s[1] + ".err", "w", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: f.write(out) fail += 1 fullstderr.write("\n#-----" + lis[i] + "\n") fullstderr.write("OUT:\n") fullstderr.write(out) if err: fullstderr.write("[pyqerror]o:\n") try: fullstderr.write(err) except UnicodeDecodeError: err_e = err.decode("ascii", errors="ignore") fullstderr.write(err_e) except UnicodeEncodeError: err_e = err.encode("ascii", errors="ignore") fullstderr.write(err_e) list_warn = [(w, s) for w, s in list_warn if filter_warning(w)] if len(list_warn) > 0: fullstderr.write("*[pyqwarning]:\n") warndone = set() for w, slw in list_warn: sw = str(slw) if sw not in warndone: # we display only one time the same warning fullstderr.write("w{0}: {1}\n".format(i, sw)) warndone.add(sw) serr = newstdr.getvalue() if serr.strip(" \n\r\t"): fullstderr.write("ERRs:\n") fullstderr.write(serr) else: list_warn = [(w, s) for w, s in list_warn if filter_warning(w)] allwarn.append((lis[i], list_warn)) val = newstdr.getvalue() if val.strip(" \n\r\t"): # Remove most of the Sphinx warnings (sphinx < 1.8) lines = val.strip(" \n\r\t").split("\n") lines = [ _ for _ in lines if _ and "is already registered, it will be overridden" not in _] val = "\n".join(lines) if len(val) > 0 and is_valid_error(val): fullstderr.write("\n*-----" + lis[i] + "\n") if len(list_warn) > 0: fullstderr.write("[main_run_test] +WARN:\n") for w, _ in list_warn: fullstderr.write( "[in:{2}] w{0}: {1}\n".format(i, str(w), cut)) if val.strip(" \n\r\t"): fullstderr.write("[in:{0}] ERRv:\n".format(cut)) fullstderr.write(val) memout.write("\n") keep.append((last_s[1], r)) # displays memout.write("[main_run_test] ---- END UT\n") memout.write("[main_run_test] ---- JENKINS END UNIT TESTS ----\n") fLOG("[main_run_test] restore stdout, stderr") # end, catch standard output and err sys.stderr = memo_stderr sys.stdout = memo_stdout val = fullstderr.getvalue() if len(val) > 0: fLOG("[main_run_test] -- STDERR (from unittests) on STDOUT") fLOG(val) fLOG("[main_run_test] -- end STDERR on STDOUT") if on_stderr: memerr.write( "[main_run_test] ##### STDERR (from unittests) #####\n") memerr.write(val) memerr.write("[main_run_test] ##### end STDERR #####\n") if fail == 0: clean(fLOG=fLOG) fLOG("[main_run_test] printing warnings") for fi, lw in allwarn: if len(lw) > 0: memout.write("[main_run_test] -WARN: {0}\n".format(fi)) wdone = {} for i, (w, s) in enumerate(lw): sw = str(w) if sw in wdone: continue wdone[sw] = w try: sw = " w{0}: {1}\n".format(i, w) except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma: no cover sw = " w{0}: Unable to convert a warnings of type {1} into a string (1)".format( i, type(w)) try: memout.write(sw) except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma: no cover sw = " w{0}: Unable to convert a warnings of type {1} into a string (2)".format( i, type(w)) memout.write(sw) fLOG("[main_run_test] END of unit tests") memout.write("[main_run_test] END of unit tests\n") return dict(err=val, tests=keep)
[docs]def is_valid_error(error): """ Checks if the text written on stderr is an error or not, a local server can push logs on this stream, it looks for keywords such as ``Exception``, ``Error``, ``TraceBack``... :param error: text :return: boolean :githublink:`%|py|586` """ lines = error.split('\n') lines = [ line for line in lines if "No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'" not in line] error = "\n".join(lines) keys = ["Exception", "Error", "TraceBack", "invalid", " line "] error = error.lower() for key in keys: if key.lower() in error: return True return False
[docs]def default_skip_function(name, code, duration): """ Default skip function for function :func:`main_wrapper_tests <pyquickhelper.pycode.utils_tests.main_wrapper_tests>`. :param name: name of the test file :param code: code of the test file :param duration: estimated duration of the tests (specified in the file documentation) :return: True if skipped, False otherwise :githublink:`%|py|607` """ if "test_SKIP_" in name or "test_LONG_" in name or "test_GUI_" in name: return True return False