Source code for pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_image_extension

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines a :epkg:`sphinx` extension to add button to share a page

import os
import copy
import shutil
from html import escape
import sphinx
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives
from sphinx.util.logging import getLogger
from sphinx.util import FilenameUniqDict


[docs]class simpleimage_node(nodes.General, nodes.Element): """ Defines *image* node. :githublink:`%|py|28` """ pass
[docs]class SimpleImageDirective(Directive): """ Adds an image to a page. It can be done by adding:: .. simpleimage:: filename.png :width: 400 :height: 600 Available options: * ``:width:``, ``:height:``, ``:scale:``: resize the image * ``:target:``: for HTML, clickable image * ``:alt:``: for HTML * ``:download:`` if the image is a url, it downloads the image. * ``:convert:`` convert the image into a new format :githublink:`%|py|47` """ required_arguments = True optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True option_spec = {'width': directives.unchanged, 'height': directives.unchanged, 'scale': directives.unchanged, 'target': directives.unchanged, 'alt': directives.unchanged, 'download': directives.unchanged, 'convert': directives.unchanged, } has_content = True node_class = simpleimage_node
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs the directive. :return: a list of nodes :githublink:`%|py|67` """ env = self.state.document.settings.env conf = docname = None if env is None else env.docname if docname is not None: docname = docname.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1] else: docname = '' source = self.state.document.current_source filename = self.arguments[0] if '://' in filename: logger = getLogger("simpleimage") logger.warning( "[simpleimage] url detected '{0}' in docname '{1}' - line {2}.".format(filename, docname, self.lineno)) is_url = True else: is_url = False convert = self.options.get('convert', None) if convert: logger = getLogger("simpleimage") logger.warning( "[simpleimage] convert into '{3}' not implemented for '{0}' in docname '{1}' - line {2}.".format( filename, docname, self.lineno, convert)) download = self.options.get('download', None) if convert: logger = getLogger("simpleimage") logger.warning( "[simpleimage] download not implemented for '{0}' in docname '{1}' - line {2}.".format(filename, docname, self.lineno)) if not is_url: env.images_mapping.add_file('', filename) srcdir = env.srcdir rstrel = os.path.relpath(source, srcdir) rstfold = os.path.split(rstrel)[0] cache = os.path.join(srcdir, conf['cache_path']) img = os.path.join(cache, filename) abspath = None relpath = None if os.path.exists(img): abspath = img relpath = cache else: last = rstfold.replace('\\', '/') img = os.path.join(srcdir, last, filename) if os.path.exists(img): relpath = last abspath = img if abspath is None: logger = getLogger("simpleimage") logger.warning( "[simpleimage] Unable to find '{0}' in docname '{1}' - line {2} - srcdir='{3}'.".format( filename, docname, self.lineno, srcdir)) else: abspath = None relpath = None width = self.options.get('width', conf['default_image_width']) height = self.options.get('height', conf['default_image_height']) scale = self.options.get('scale', None) alt = self.options.get('alt', None) target = self.options.get('target', None) # build node node = self.__class__.node_class(uri=filename, docname=docname, lineno=self.lineno, width=width, height=height, abspath=abspath, relpath=relpath, is_url=is_url, alt=alt, scale=scale, target=target, convert=convert, download=download) node['classes'] += ["place-image"] node['image'] = filename ns = [node] return ns
[docs]def visit_simpleimage_node(self, node): """ Visits a image node. Copies the image. :githublink:`%|py|151` """ if node['abspath'] is not None: outdir = self.builder.outdir relpath = os.path.join(outdir, node['relpath']) dname = os.path.split(node['uri'])[0] if dname: relpath = os.path.join(relpath, dname) if not os.path.exists(relpath): os.makedirs(relpath) if os.path.dirname(node['abspath']) != relpath: shutil.copy(node['abspath'], relpath) logger = getLogger("image")"[image] copy '{0}' to '{1}'".format( node['uri'], relpath))
[docs]def _clean_value(val): if isinstance(val, tuple): return val[0] else: return val
[docs]def depart_simpleimage_node_html(self, node): """ What to do when leaving a node *image* the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each. :githublink:`%|py|180` """ if node.hasattr("uri"): filename = node["uri"] width = _clean_value(node["width"]) height = _clean_value(node["height"]) scale = node["scale"] alt = node["alt"] target = node["target"] found = node["abspath"] is not None or node["is_url"] if not found: # pragma: no cover body = "<b>unable to find '{0}'</b>".format(filename) self.body.append(body) else: body = '<img src="{0}" {1} {2}/>' width = ' width="{0}"'.format(width) if width else "" height = ' height="{0}"'.format(height) if height else "" if width or height: style = "{0}{1}".format(width, height) elif scale: style = " width={0}%".format(scale) alt = ' alt="{0}"'.format(escape(alt)) if alt else "" body = body.format(filename, style, alt) if target: body = '<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(escape(target), body) self.body.append(body)
[docs]def depart_simpleimage_node_text(self, node): """ What to do when leaving a node *image* the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each. :githublink:`%|py|213` """ if 'rst' in (, self.builder.format): depart_simpleimage_node_rst(self, node) elif 'md' in (, self.builder.format): depart_simpleimage_node_md(self, node) elif 'latex' in (, self.builder.format): depart_simpleimage_node_latex(self, node) elif node.hasattr("uri"): filename = node["uri"] width = _clean_value(node["width"]) height = _clean_value(node["height"]) scale = node["scale"] alt = node["alt"] target = node["target"] found = node["abspath"] is not None or node["is_url"] if not found: # pragma: no cover body = "unable to find '{0}'".format(filename) self.body.append(body) else: body = '\nimage {0}{1}{2}: {3}{4}\n' width = ' width="{0}"'.format(width) if width else "" height = ' height="{0}"'.format(height) if height else "" scale = ' scale="{0}"'.format(scale) if scale else "" alt = ' alt="{0}"'.format(alt.replace('"', '\\"')) if alt else "" target = ' target="{0}"'.format( target.replace('"', '\\"')) if target else "" body = body.format(width, height, scale, filename, alt, target) self.add_text(body)
[docs]def depart_simpleimage_node_latex(self, node): """ What to do when leaving a node *image* the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each. :githublink:`%|py|249` """ if node.hasattr("uri"): width = _clean_value(node["width"]) height = _clean_value(node["height"]) scale = node["scale"] alt = node["alt"] full = os.path.join(node["relpath"], node['uri']) found = node['abspath'] is not None or node["is_url"] if not found: # pragma: no cover body = "\\textbf{{unable to find '{0}'}}".format(full) self.body.append(body) else: body = '\\includegraphics{0}{{{1}}}\n' width = "width={0}".format(width) if width else "" height = "height={0}".format(height) if height else "" scale = "scale={0}".format(scale) if scale else "" if width or height or scale: dims = [_ for _ in [width, height, scale] if _] style = "[{0}]".format(",".join(dims)) else: style = "" alt = ' alt="{0}"'.format(alt.replace('"', '\\"')) if alt else "" full = full.replace('\\', '/').replace('_', '\\_') body = body.format(style, full) self.body.append(body)
[docs]def depart_simpleimage_node_rst(self, node): """ What to do when leaving a node *image* the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each. :githublink:`%|py|282` """ if node.hasattr("uri"): filename = node["uri"] found = node["abspath"] is not None or node["is_url"] if not found: # pragma: no cover body = ".. simpleimage:: {0} [not found]".format(filename) self.add_text(body + else: options = SimpleImageDirective.option_spec body = ".. simpleimage:: {0}".format(filename) self.new_state(0) self.add_text(body + for opt in options: v = node.get(opt, None) if v: self.add_text(' :{0}: {1}'.format(opt, v) + self.end_state(wrap=False)
[docs]def depart_simpleimage_node_md(self, node): """ What to do when leaving a node *image* the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each. :githublink:`%|py|307` """ if node.hasattr("uri"): filename = node["uri"] found = node["abspath"] is not None or node["is_url"] if not found: # pragma: no cover body = "[{0}](not found)".format(filename) self.add_text(body + else: alt = node.get("alt", "") uri = filename width = node.get('width', '').replace('px', '') height = node.get('height', '').replace('px', '') style = " ={0}x{1}".format(width, height) if style == " =x": style = "" text = "![{0}]({1}{2})".format(alt, uri, style) self.add_text(text)
[docs]def initialize_simpleimages_directive(app): """ Initializes the image directives. :githublink:`%|py|329` """ global DEFAULT_CONFIG config = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG) config.update(app.config.simpleimages_config) app.config.simpleimages_config = config app.env.images_mapping = FilenameUniqDict()
[docs]def setup(app): """ setup for ``image`` (sphinx) :githublink:`%|py|341` """ global DEFAULT_CONFIG if hasattr(app, "add_mapping"): app.add_mapping('simpleimages_mapping', simpleimage_node) app.add_config_value('simpleimages_config', DEFAULT_CONFIG, 'env') app.connect('builder-inited', initialize_simpleimages_directive) app.add_node(simpleimage_node, html=(visit_simpleimage_node, depart_simpleimage_node_html), epub=(visit_simpleimage_node, depart_simpleimage_node_html), elatex=(visit_simpleimage_node, depart_simpleimage_node_latex), latex=(visit_simpleimage_node, depart_simpleimage_node_latex), rst=(visit_simpleimage_node, depart_simpleimage_node_rst), md=(visit_simpleimage_node, depart_simpleimage_node_md), text=(visit_simpleimage_node, depart_simpleimage_node_text)) app.add_directive('simpleimage', SimpleImageDirective) return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}