module sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension

Inheritance diagram of pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension

Short summary

module pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension

Defines a sphinx extension to add button to share a page

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Defines sharenet node.


Adds buttons to share a page. It can be done by adding



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what to do when leaving a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or …


what to do when leaving a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or …


what to do when leaving a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or …


setup for sharenet (sphinx)


Defines custom roles sharenet. The following instructions defines buttons of size 20 ( ) …


what to do when visiting a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, …


what to do when visiting a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, …



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Return the document root node of the tree containing this Node.



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Runs the directve.


Defines a sphinx extension to add button to share a page

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class pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension.ShareNetDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[source]

Bases: Directive

Adds buttons to share a page. It can be done by adding:

.. sharenet::
    :facebook: 1
    :linkedin: 2
    :twitter: 3
    :head: False

Which gives:

The integer indicates the order in which they need to be displayed. It is optional. The option :head: False specifies the javascript part is added to the html body and not the header. The header can be overwritten by other custom commands.

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final_argument_whitespace = True[source]

May the final argument contain whitespace?

has_content = True[source]

May the directive have content?

option_spec = {'facebook': <function unchanged>, 'head': <function unchanged>, 'linkedin': <function unchanged>, 'size': <function unchanged>, 'twitter': <function unchanged>}[source]

Mapping of option names to validator functions.

optional_arguments = 0[source]

Number of optional arguments after the required arguments.

required_arguments = 0[source]

Number of required directive arguments.


Runs the directve.


a list of nodes

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alias of sharenet_node

pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension.depart_sharenet_node(self, node)[source]

what to do when leaving a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each.

It does only html for the time being.

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pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension.depart_sharenet_node_html(self, node)[source]

what to do when leaving a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each.

It does only html for the time being.

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pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension.depart_sharenet_node_rst(self, node)[source]

what to do when leaving a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each.

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setup for sharenet (sphinx)

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class pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension.sharenet_node(rawsource='', *children, **attributes)[source]

Bases: Structural, Element

Defines sharenet node.

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__slotnames__ = [][source]
pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension.sharenet_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options=None, content=None)[source]

Defines custom roles sharenet. The following instructions defines buttons of size 20 ( ):


The last term indicates the javascript part will be included in the HTML body instead of the head as this part might be tweaked by other custom commands.

  • role – The role name used in the document.

  • rawtext – The entire markup snippet, with role.

  • text – The text marked with the role.

  • lineno – The line number where rawtext appears in the input.

  • inliner – The inliner instance that called us.

  • options – Directive options for customization.

  • content – The directive content for customization.

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pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension.visit_sharenet_node(self, node)[source]

what to do when visiting a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each.

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pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension.visit_sharenet_node_rst(self, node)[source]

what to do when visiting a node sharenet the function should have different behaviour, depending on the format, or the setup should specify a different function for each.

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