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2015-12-01 Quelques articles de blog, Rodeo, TensorFlow, Tableau, Autoreload, RLPy

Rodeo facilite l'écriture de rapports avec des équations, du code et des graphes. Il est convertit en markdown et PDF : Rodeo 1.1 - Markdown, Autoupdates, Feedback.

Lorsqu'on met à jour un module, les modifications ne sont pas prises en compte automatiquement dans un notebook. Il faut le recharger. Il existe une extension qui fait ça pour vous : Autoreload des modules sous iPython.

Tableau est une application gratuite dans certains cas qui permet de réaliser facilement des dashboards afin de visualiser rapidement des données avec des graphiques animés.

Module pour faire de l'apprentissage par renforcement : RLPy: A Value-Function-Based Reinforcement Learning Framework for Education and Research. Lire également : Batch Learning from Logged Bandit Feedback through Counterfactual Risk Minimization.

Un article sur TensorFlow : What you wanted to know about TensorFlow.

2013-07-28 my RSS Reader

When Google Reader died, I was reluctant to move to something different. Not because others solutions are worse or anything like that, but more because I needed to create a new account, a new password, eventually to pay if the number of blogs I wanted to follow was above a given threshold. With Google, I did not have to do anything like that. I would argue that giving everything to a single company which can monitor every single move you do on the net is not a good idea.

But if I push this reasoning to its extreme, why not having a tool on my laptop which allows me to read blog posts? That way, I would download myself the blog content, I would keep any statistics about my own uage for myself. And if the design is not good enough, I just have to change it. Well, the only argument against that is the time I will need to build that tool (and to maintain it).

Well, to be honest, I also did it because I wanted to learn about some python and javascript figures of programming which I talk about in previous blogs. The tools looks that way:


Xavier Dupré