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2014-03-12 Convert a PDF into an image

Today, I just wanted to convert a PDF into a PNG image. I knew I already did it but I forgot to remember how (I only need it once every six months). I hope you don't mind if I use my own blog to avoid looking again for it. First, it requires ImageMagick. The following script will do the trick:

from PythonMagick import Image

os.environ["MAGICK_HOME"] = r"path_to_ImageMagick"

file = "my.pdf"
to = file.replace(".pdf",".png")

p = PythonMagick.Image()    

# the ImageMacgick command line to do it
# cmd = "convert -density 300 -depth 8 -quality 85 {0} {1}".format(file, to)


2014-01-29 Convert an equation into a PNG image

I recently faced an issue while converting an equation into an image using the method I developped in this post. I do not know why but the following expression \frac{X_t}{Y_t} did not work. So I had to use miktex and more specifically htlatex through the following command line:

htlatex eq.tex html "" "" "--interaction=nonstopmode"

The last parameter avoids the programm to check the input stream if an error was detected. I wrapped this into a quick and dirty python program you can find below. It will also describe what eq.tex should contain.


Xavier Dupré