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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Various function to download data about population

import gzip
import os
import numpy
import pandas
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import noLOG
from pyensae.datasource import download_data
from .data_exceptions import DataFormatException

[docs]def population_france_year(url="", sheet_name=0, year=2020): """ Downloads the data for the French population from INSEE website :param url: url :param sheet_name: sheet index :param year: last year to find :return: DataFrame The sheet index is 0 for the all France, 1 for metropolitean France. The last row aggregates multiple ages ``1914 ou avant``, they will remain aggregated but the label will be changed to 1914. ``100 ou plus`` is replaced by 100. By default, the data is coming from `INSEE, Bilan Démographique <>`_. **2017/01**: pandas does not seem to be able to read the format (old format). You should convert the file in txt with Excel. :githublink:`%|py|33` """ try: df = pandas.read_excel(url, sheet_name=sheet_name) skiprows = 5 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover # we try to find a local version this = os.path.dirname(__file__) name = os.path.join(this, "data_population", url.split( "/")[-1].replace(".xls", ".xlsx")) if not os.path.exists(name): raise FileNotFoundError( "Unable to find a replacement for '{0}' as '{1}'".format(url, name)) from e df = pandas.read_excel(name, sheet_name=sheet_name) url = name skiprows = 0 col = df.columns[0] if len(col) == 0: raise DataFormatException( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find {0} (year) in table at url '{1}'".format(year, url)) if skiprows > 0 and str(year) not in col: raise DataFormatException( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find {0} (year) in first column name '{1}' at url " "'{2}'".format(year, col, url)) table = pandas.read_excel(url, sheet_name=sheet_name, skiprows=skiprows) table.columns = ["naissance", "age", "hommes", "femmes", "ensemble"] table = table[(table.naissance != 'Champ : France y c. Mayotte.') & table.naissance.apply(lambda s: "Source" not in str(s))].copy() table["naissance"] = table.apply(lambda r: r["naissance"] if isinstance(r["naissance"], (int, float)) else r["naissance"].replace(" ou avant", ""), axis=1) table["age"] = table.apply(lambda r: r["age"] if isinstance(r["age"], (int, float)) else r["age"].replace(" ou plus", "") if isinstance( r["age"], str) else r["age"], axis=1) table = table.dropna(axis=0) for c in table.columns: table[c] = table[c].astype(int) return table
[docs]def table_mortalite_france_00_02(homme=None, femme=None): """ Download mortality table for France assuming they are available in Excel format. :param homme: table for men :param femme: table for women :return: DataFrame The final DataFrame merges both sheets. The data is coming from `Institut des Actuaires: Reférences de mortalité <>`_ or `Références techniques < 34a14c286dfb0903c1256ffd00502d73/d62719e329025b94c12577c100545bb7?OpenDocument>`_. :githublink:`%|py|87` """ this = os.path.join(os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__)), "data_population") if homme is None: homme = os.path.join(this, "TH00-02_D.xls") sheeth = "Table" else: sheeth = 0 if femme is None: femme = os.path.join(this, "TF00-02_D.xls") sheetf = "Table" else: sheetf = 0 isexch = os.path.splitext(homme)[-1] in (".xls", ".xlsx") dfh = pandas.read_excel( homme, sheet_name=sheeth) if isexch else pandas.read_csv(homme, sep=";") if dfh.shape[1] > 2: dfh = dfh[dfh.columns[:2]] isexcf = os.path.splitext(femme)[-1] in (".xls", ".xlsx") dff = pandas.read_excel( femme, sheet_name=sheetf) if isexcf else pandas.read_csv(femme, sep=";") if dff.shape[1] > 2: dff = dff[dff.columns[:2]] df = dfh.merge(dff, on="Age") df.columns = ["Age", "Homme", "Femme"] return df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def fecondite_france(url=None): """ download fecondity table for France (Excel format) :param url: source (url or file) :return: DataFrame By default, the data is coming from a local file which is a copy of `INSEE: Fécondité selon l'âge détaillé de la mère <>`_. The original file cannot be read by pandas so we convert it first. See also `INSEE Bilan Démographique 2016 <>`_. :githublink:`%|py|127` """ if url is None: this = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) url = os.path.join(this, "data_population", "irsocsd2014_G10.xlsx") df = pandas.read_excel(url) col = df.columns[0] df[col] = df.apply(lambda r: r[col] if isinstance(r[col], int) else r[col].replace(" ou plus", "").replace(" ans", "").replace(" (p)", "") if isinstance( r[col], str) else r[col], axis=1) df = df[df[col].apply(lambda x: "0" <= x[0] <= "9" if isinstance( x, str) else (isinstance(x, (int, float))))].copy() df[col] = df[col].astype(float) cp = df[df[col] == 15] if len(cp) == 0: ages = [str(_) for _ in set(df[col])] # pragma: no cover raise DataFormatException( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find 15 (age) in table at url: {0}\n{1}".format( url, "\n".join(ages))) if len(cp) != 1: raise DataFormatException( # pragma: no cover "too many values 15 in table at url: " + url) cpe = df[df[col] == 50] if len(cpe) == 0: raise DataFormatException( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find 50 (age) in table at url: " + url) if len(cpe) != 1: raise DataFormatException( # pragma: no cover "Too many values 50 in table at url: " + url) ind = cp.index[0] ind2 = cpe.index[0] table = df.iloc[ind:ind2, :3].copy() table.columns = ["age", "2005", "2015"] for c in table.columns: table[c] = table[c].astype(float) return table
[docs]def table_mortalite_euro_stat(url="", name="demo_mlifetable.tsv.gz", final_name="mortalite.txt", whereTo=".", stop_at=None, fLOG=noLOG): """ This function retrieves mortality table from `EuroStat <>`_ through `table de mortalité <>`_ (*this link is currently broken, data-publica does not provide such a database anymore, a copy is provided*). :param url: data source :param name: data table name :param final_name: the data is compressed, it needs to be uncompressed into a file, this parameter defines its name :param whereTo: data needs to be downloaded, location of this place :param stop_at: the overall process is quite long, if not None, it only keeps the first rows :param fLOG: logging function :return: data_frame The function checks the file final_name exists. If it is the case, the data is not downloaded twice. The header contains a weird format as coordinates are separated by a comma:: indic_de,sex,age,geo\time 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 We need to preprocess the data to split this information into columns. The overall process takes 4-5 minutes, 10 seconds to download (< 10 Mb), 4-5 minutes to preprocess the data (it could be improved). The processed data contains the following columns:: ['annee', 'valeur', 'age', 'age_num', 'indicateur', 'genre', 'pays'] Columns *age* and *age_num* look alike. *age_num* is numeric and is equal to *age* except when *age_num* is 85. Everybody above that age fall into the same category. The table contains many indicators: * PROBSURV: Probabilité de survie entre deux âges exacts (px) * LIFEXP: Esperance de vie à l'âge exact (ex) * SURVIVORS: Nombre des survivants à l'âge exact (lx) * PYLIVED: Nombre d'années personnes vécues entre deux âges exacts (Lx) * DEATHRATE: Taux de mortalité à l'âge x (Mx) * PROBDEATH: Probabilité de décès entre deux âges exacts (qx) * TOTPYLIVED: Nombre total d'années personne vécues après l'âge exact (Tx) :githublink:`%|py|208` """ if os.path.exists(final_name) and os.stat(final_name).st_size > 1e7: return final_name temp = final_name + ".remove.txt" if not os.path.exists(temp) or os.stat(temp).st_size < 1e7: local = download_data(name, url=url, whereTo=whereTo) local = local[0] + ".gz" with, 'rb') as f: file_content = content = str(file_content, encoding="utf8") with open(temp, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(content) def format_age(s): if s.startswith("Y_"): if s.startswith("Y_LT"): # pragma: no cover return "YLT" + s[4:] if s.startswith("Y_GE"): # pragma: no cover return "YGE" + s[4:] raise SyntaxError(s) # pragma: no cover i = int(s.strip("Y")) return "Y%02d" % i def format_age_num(s): if s.startswith("Y_"): if s.startswith("Y_LT"): # pragma: no cover return float(s.replace("Y_LT", "")) if s.startswith("Y_GE"): # pragma: no cover return float(s.replace("Y_GE", "")) raise SyntaxError(s) # pragma: no cover i = int(s.strip("Y")) return float(i) def format_value(s): if s.strip() == ":": return numpy.nan return float(s.strip(" ebp")) fLOG("step 0, reading") dff = pandas.read_csv(temp, sep="\t", encoding="utf8") if stop_at is not None: fLOG("step 0, shortening") dfsmall = dff.head(n=stop_at) df = dfsmall else: df = dff fLOG("step 1, size=", df.shape) dfi = df.reset_index().set_index("indic_de,sex,age,geo\\time") dfi = dfi.drop('index', axis=1) dfs = dfi.stack() dfs = pandas.DataFrame({"valeur": dfs}) fLOG("step 2, size=", dfs.shape) dfs["valeur"] = dfs["valeur"].astype(str) dfs["valeur"] = dfs["valeur"].apply(format_value) dfs = dfs[dfs.valeur >= 0].copy() dfs = dfs.reset_index() dfs.columns = ["index", "annee", "valeur"] fLOG("step 3, size=", dfs.shape) dfs["age"] = dfs["index"].apply(lambda i: format_age(i.split(",")[2])) dfs["age_num"] = dfs["index"].apply( lambda i: format_age_num(i.split(",")[2])) dfs["indicateur"] = dfs["index"].apply(lambda i: i.split(",")[0]) dfs["genre"] = dfs["index"].apply(lambda i: i.split(",")[1]) dfs["pays"] = dfs["index"].apply(lambda i: i.split(",")[3]) fLOG("step 4") dfy = dfs.drop('index', axis=1) dfy.to_csv(final_name, sep="\t", encoding="utf8", index=False) return final_name