Source code for pyensae.languages.rconverter

Convert R into Python

from antlr4 import ParseTreeWalker
from pyquickhelper.pycode import remove_extra_spaces_and_pep8
from .RParser import RParser
from .RLexer import RLexer
from .antlr_grammar_use import parse_code
from .rconverterListener import TreeStringListener

[docs]def r2python(code: str, pep8=False, fLOG=None) -> str: """ Converts a R script into Python. :param code: R string :param pep8: modify the output to be compliant with pep8 :param fLOG: logging function :return: Python string .. _code-r2python: The function uses a customized R grammar implemented with Antlr4. Formula becomes strings. They should be handled with `patsy <>`_. .. exref:: :title: Convert R into Python .. runpython:: :showcode: rscript = ''' nb=function(y=1930){ debut=1816 MatDFemale=matrix(D$Female,nrow=111) colnames(MatDFemale)=(debut+0):198 cly=(y-debut+1):111 deces=diag(MatDFemale[:,cly[cly%in%1:199]]) return(c(B$Female[B$Year==y],deces))} ''' from pyensae.languages import r2python print(r2python(rscript, pep8=True)) Some patterns are not well migrated such expression ``a:b`` into ``range(a,b)``. The grammar could be improved to detect the beginning of the expression but for now, if the function fails to do the conversion, ``a:b`` must be written into ``(a):b``. The same trick is sometimes needed for other patterns such as the operator ``%in%`` which is converted into an intersection of two sets. Kwonws bugs: * ``} else {`` needs to be replaced by ``} EOL else {`` * comment added at the end of line must be followed by an empty line * ``m[,1]`` must be replaced by ``M[:,1]`` * formula ``~.`` is not translated * ``%<%`` cannot be followed by an empty line :githublink:`%|py|61` """ if fLOG: fLOG( # pragma: no cover "[r2python] parse ", len(code), "bytes") parser = parse_code(code, RParser, RLexer) if fLOG: fLOG( # pragma: no cover "[r2python] parse continue") parsed = parser.parse() if fLOG: fLOG( # pragma: no cover "[r2python] listen") listen = TreeStringListener(parsed, fLOG=fLOG) walker = ParseTreeWalker() if fLOG: fLOG( # pragma: no cover "[r2python] walk") walker.walk(listen, parsed) if fLOG: fLOG( # pragma: no cover "[r2python] get code") code = listen.get_python() if pep8: if fLOG: fLOG( # pragma: no cover "[r2python] pep8") code = remove_extra_spaces_and_pep8(code, aggressive=True) return code