Source code for pyensae.sql.magic_sql

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines SQL commands to play with `sqlite3 <>`_.
See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`.

import os

from IPython.core.magic import magics_class, line_magic
from IPython.core.magic import line_cell_magic
from pyquickhelper.ipythonhelper import MagicCommandParser, MagicClassWithHelpers
from .sql_interface import InterfaceSQL, InterfaceSQLException

[docs]@magics_class class MagicSQL(MagicClassWithHelpers): """ Defines SQL commands to play with `sqlite3 <>`_ See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|21` """
[docs] def get_connection(self, name): """ returns the connection stored in the workspace :param name: variable name of the database :return: object :githublink:`%|py|29` """ if isinstance(name, str): if is None: raise Exception("No detected workspace.") if name not in raise KeyError( "No opened sqlite3 database called: " + str(name)) res =[name] else: res = name if not isinstance(res, InterfaceSQL): res = InterfaceSQL.create(res) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_connect_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_connect`` :githublink:`%|py|49` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_connect", description='connect to a SQL database') parser.add_argument('filename', type=str, help='database filename', eval_type=str) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_connect(self, line): """ define ``SQL_connect`` which connects to a SQL database, it stores the database object in variable DB by default .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL_connect_parser The code for magic command ``%SQL_connect_parser`` is equivalent to:: from pyense.sql import InterfaceSQL obj = InterfaceSQL.create(args.filename) obj.connect() See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|78` """ parser = self.get_parser(MagicSQL.SQL_connect_parser, "SQL_connect") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: obj = InterfaceSQL.create(args.filename) obj.connect()[args.variable] = obj return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_close_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_close`` :githublink:`%|py|92` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_close", description='connect to a SQL database') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object (and to close)') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_close(self, line=""): """ define ``SQL_close`` which closes a database .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL_close The code for magic command ``%SQL_close`` is equivalent to:: db.close() See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|116` """ parser = self.get_parser(MagicSQL.SQL_close_parser, "SQL_close") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: db = self.get_connection(args.variable) r = db.close() return r
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_tables_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_tables`` :githublink:`%|py|129` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_tables", description='list the tables of a database') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_tables(self, line=""): """ define ``%SQL_tables`` whichs lists the tables in a database .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL_tables The code for magic command ``%SQL_tables`` is equivalent to:: db.get_table_list() See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|153` """ parser = self.get_parser(MagicSQL.SQL_tables_parser, "SQL_tables") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: db = self.get_connection(args.variable) return db.get_table_list()
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_drop_table_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_drop_table`` :githublink:`%|py|165` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_drop_table", description='drop a table from a database') parser.add_argument('table', type=str, help='table', eval_type=str) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_drop_table(self, line): """ defines ``%SQL_drop_table`` which drops a table from a database .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL_drop_table The code for magic command ``%SQL_drop_table`` is equivalent to:: db.drop_table() See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|190` """ parser = self.get_parser( MagicSQL.SQL_drop_table_parser, "SQL_drop_table") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: db = self.get_connection(args.variable) return db.drop_table(args.table)
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_refresh_completion_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_refresh_completion`` :githublink:`%|py|203` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_refresh_completion", description='refresh completion (tables names, ...)') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_refresh_completion(self, line=""): """ defines ``%SQL_refresh_completion`` :githublink:`%|py|217` """ parser = self.get_parser( MagicSQL.SQL_refresh_completion_parser, "SQL_refresh_completion") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: db = self.get_connection(args.variable) db.refresh_completion()
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_schema_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_schema`` :githublink:`%|py|230` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_schema", description='schema of a table') parser.add_argument('table', type=str, help='table', eval_type=str) parser.add_argument( '--as_list', help='as a dictionary (False) or as a list (True)', action="store_true") parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_schema(self, line=""): """ define ``SQL_schema`` .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL_schema The code for magic command ``%SQL_schema`` is equivalent to:: db.get_table_columns(<table>, as_dict=not <as_list>) See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|257` """ parser = self.get_parser(MagicSQL.SQL_schema_parser, "SQL_schema") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: db = self.get_connection(args.variable) return db.get_table_columns(args.table, as_dict=not args.as_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_import_tsv_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_import_tsv`` :githublink:`%|py|269` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_import_tsv", description='import a tsv file into the database') parser.add_argument('filename', type=str, help='tsv file name', eval_type=str) parser.add_argument('-t', '--table', type=str, help='table name', default="-", eval_type=str) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', help='print progress', action="store_true") parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_import_tsv(self, line): """ defines ``%SQL_import_tsv`` whichs import a TSV file into a database .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL_import_tsv The code for magic command ``%SQL_import_tsv`` is equivalent to:: db.import_flat_file(<filename>, <table>) See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|299` """ parser = self.get_parser( MagicSQL.SQL_import_tsv_parser, "SQL_import_tsv") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: if not os.path.exists(args.filename): raise FileNotFoundError(args.filename) db = self.get_connection(args.variable) table = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(args.filename)[-1])[0] \ if len(args.table) == 0 or args.table == "-" else args.table return db.import_flat_file(args.filename, table)
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_add_function_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_add_function`` :githublink:`%|py|316` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_add_function", description='add a custom function to the database') parser.add_argument('funct', type=str, help='function name') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_add_function(self, line): """ defines ``%SQL_add_function`` which adds a function to the database .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL_add_function The code for magic command ``%SQL_add_function`` is equivalent to:: db.add_function(fu) See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|341` """ parser = self.get_parser( MagicSQL.SQL_add_function_parser, "SQL_add_function") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: db = self.get_connection(args.variable) if isinstance(args.funct, str): if is not None: if args.funct not in raise KeyError( "unable to find function %s in your workspace" % args.funct) fu =[args.funct] else: raise Exception("unable to find IPython workspace") else: fu = args.funct return db.add_function(fu)
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_import_df_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%SQL_import_df`` :githublink:`%|py|365` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL_import_df", description='import a dataframe into the database') parser.add_argument('df', type=str, help='dataframe', no_eval=True) parser.add_argument('-t', '--table', type=str, help='table name', default="-", eval_type=str) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_magic def SQL_import_df(self, line): """ defines ``%SQL_import_df`` which imports a dataframe into a database .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL_import_df The code for magic command ``%SQL_import_df`` is equivalent to:: db.import_dataframe(<table>, <df>) See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|392` """ parser = self.get_parser( MagicSQL.SQL_import_df_parser, "SQL_import_df") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: db = self.get_connection(args.variable) df = args.df if is not None: if df not in raise KeyError( "unable to find dataframe %s in your workspace" % df) odf =[df] else: raise Exception("unable to find IPython workspace") table = df if len( args.table) == 0 or args.table == "-" else args.table return db.import_dataframe(table, odf)
[docs] @staticmethod def SQL_parser(): """ defines the way to parse the magic command ``%%SQL`` :githublink:`%|py|418` """ parser = MagicCommandParser(prog="SQL", description='query the database') parser.add_argument( '--df', type=str, help='output dataframe', default="temp_view", no_eval=True) parser.add_argument('-n', '--n', type=int, help='number of first lines to display', default=10, eval_type=int) parser.add_argument('-q', '--query', type=str, help='when used in a single line (no cell), query is the SQL query, the command ' + 'returns the full dataframe', default="", eval_type=str) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', default="DB", help='variable name used to store the database object') return parser
[docs] @line_cell_magic def SQL(self, line, cell=None): """ defines command ``%%SQL`` .. nbref:: :tag: SQL :title: SQL The code for magic command ``%%SQL`` is equivalent to:: <variable> = db.execute(<cell>) See notebook :ref:`pyensaesqlmagicrst`. :githublink:`%|py|449` """ parser = self.get_parser(MagicSQL.SQL_parser, "SQL") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: full = False if cell is None or len(cell) == 0: cell = args.query if cell is None or len(cell) == 0: raise ValueError("no SQL query is defined") query = cell full = True else: query = cell query = query.strip() if len(query) > 0 and query[0] == '"' and query[-1] == '"': query = query[1:-1] db = self.get_connection(args.variable) try: df = db.execute(query) ok = True except InterfaceSQLException as e: print(str(e)) ok = False if ok:[args.df] = df if full: return df else: return df.head(n=args.n)
[docs]def register_sql_magics(ip=None): """ register magics function, can be called from a notebook :param ip: from ``get_ipython()`` :githublink:`%|py|489` """ if ip is None: from IPython import get_ipython ip = get_ipython() ip.register_magics(MagicSQL)