Source code for pymyinstall

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
*pymyinstall* installs package on Windows and Linux.
It automatically chooses a location for a
:ref:`long list of package <l-ensae_fullset-table>`.
To install a list of modules for a machine learner:


    from pymyinstall import complete_installation, install_scite, install_pandoc, open_tool_on_browser
    for _ in complete_installation():

You can also install some useful tools:


    from pymyinstall import install_scite, install_pandoc


To download a module:


    from pymyinstall import download_module

To install a module:


    from pymyinstall import install_module

from .installhelper.install_cmd_helper import run_cmd, unzip_files
from .installhelper.module_install import ModuleInstall
from .installcustom.install_custom import download_from_sourceforge, download_file, download_page
from .installhelper.install_manual import get_install_list
from .installhelper import get_module_version, get_pypi_version
from .installcustom.install_custom_revealjs import download_revealjs
from .installhelper.requirements import build_requirements
from .win_installer.win_setup_main import win_python_setup
from .packaged import install_module, update_module, download_module

__version__ = "1.4.1908"
__author__ = "Xavier Dupré"
__github__ = ""
__url__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT License"

[docs]def _setup_hook(): """ does nothing :githublink:`%|py|58` """ # we clean the cache ModuleInstall.clear_cache()
[docs]def check(log=False): """ Checks the library is working. It raises an exception. If you want to disable the logs: :param log: if True, display information, otherwise :return: 0 or exception :githublink:`%|py|71` """ return True
[docs]def is_travis_or_appveyor(): """ tells if is a travis environment or appveyor :return: travis, appveyor or None .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|82` """ import sys if "travis" in sys.executable: return "travis" import os if os.environ.get("USERNAME", os.environ.get("USER", "")) == "appveyor": return "appveyor" return None