Source code for pyensae.sql.database_import_export

:class:`Database <pyensae.sql.database_main.Database>`


import os
import collections

from .file_text_binary import TextFile
from .file_text_binary_columns import TextFileColumns
from .database_exception import DBException

[docs]class DatabaseImportExport: """ This class is not meant to be working alone. It contains import, export function for a database, in various formats. :githublink:`%|py|21` """ ########################################################################## # exporting functions ##########################################################################
[docs] def export_table_into_flat_file(self, table, filename, header=False, columns=None, post_process=None, encoding="utf8"): """ Exports a table into a flat file. :param table: table name :param filename: filename :param header: add a header on the first line :param columns: export only columns in this list (if None, export all) :param post_process: post_process a line: - input: list, dictionary (for your own use, same one all the time) - output: list :param encoding: encoding .. exref:: :title: Export the results of a SQL query into a flat file :tag: SQL :: from pyensae.sql.database_main import Database dbfile = "filename.db3" filetxt = "fileview.txt" sql = "..." db = Database(dbfile) db.connect() db.export_view_into_flat_file (sql, fileview, header = True) db.close() :githublink:`%|py|55` """ if columns is None: sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table + ";" else: sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s ;" % (",".join(columns), table) self.export_view_into_flat_file( sql, filename, header, post_process, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def _clean_string(self, s): """ Cleans string. :param s: string :return: remove \\r\\t\\n :githublink:`%|py|70` """ rep = {"\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", } for k, v in rep.items(): s = s.replace(k, v) return s
[docs] def export_view_into_flat_file(self, view_sql, filename, header=False, post_process=None, encoding="utf8"): """ Exports a table into a flat file. :param view_sql: SQL request :param filename: filename :param header: if != None, add a header on the first line (header is a list of string) :param post_process: if != None, use this function to post-process a text line extracted from the file :param encoding: if != None, use this as a parameter to convert any value into str :githublink:`%|py|88` """ sepline = "\n" self._check_connection() if header: if isinstance(header, (list, tuple)): header_line = "\t".join(header) + sepline elif isinstance(header, bool): col = self.get_sql_columns(view_sql) header_line = "\t".join(col) + sepline else: header_line = header + sepline else: header_line = "" sql = view_sql cur = self.execute(sql) nbline = 0 f = open(filename, "w", encoding=encoding) f.write(header_line) memo = {} for line_ in cur: if post_process is not None: line = post_process(line_, memo) else: line = line_ pr = "\t".join([self._clean_string(str(x)) for x in line]) f.write(pr + sepline) nbline += 1 if nbline % 100000 == 0: self.LOG(" exporting from view, line ", nbline) f.close() cur.close()
########################################################################## # importing functions ##########################################################################
[docs] def append_values(self, values, tablename, schema, cursor=None, skip_exception=False, encoding="utf-8"): """ Uses :meth:`_append_table <pyensae.sql.database_import_export.DatabaseImportExport._append_table>` to fill a table will the values contained in values (as list). :param values: list of list (each cell is a value) :param tablename: name of the table to fill :param schema: schema of the database, it must be present in case on the columns includes the tag "PRIMARYKEY", in that case, the value for this field will be automatically set up. :param cursor: if None, create a new one :param skip_exception: skip exception while inserting an element :param encoding: encoding :githublink:`%|py|148` """ self._append_table( values, tablename, schema, cursor=cursor, skip_exception=skip_exception, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def _append_table(self, file, table, columns, format="tsv", header=False, stop=-1, lower_case=False, cursor=None, fill_missing=0, unique=None, filter_case=None, strict_separator=False, skip_exception=False, changes=None, encoding="utf-8", **params): """ Appends element to a database. :param file: file name or a matrix (this matrix can be an iterator) :param table: table name :param columns: columns definition (see below) :param format: tsv, the only one accepted for the time being, it can be a function (line, **params) :param header: the file has a header of not, if True, skip the first line :param stop: if -1, insert every line, otherwise stop when the number of inserted lines is stop :param lower_case: put every str string in lower_case before inserting it :param cursor: if None, create a new one :param fill_missing: fill the missing values by a default value, at least not more than fill_missing values :param unique: if unique is a column number, the function will not take into account another containing a value already seen on this column :param filter_case: process every case information (used to replace space for example) :param strict_separator: strict number of columns, it assumes there is no separator in the content of every column :param params: see format :param skip_exception: skip exception while inserting an element :param changes: to rewrite column names :param encoding: encoding :return: number of inserted elements The columns definition must follow the schema: - dictionary ``{ key:(column_name,python_type) }`` - or ``{ key:(column_name,python_type,preprocessing_function) }`` ``preprocessing_function`` is a function whose prototype is for example:: def preprocessing_score (s) : return s.replace (",",".") And: - if ``PRIMARYKEY`` is added, the key is considered as the primary key - if ``AUTOINCREMENT`` is added, the key will automatically filled (like an id) :githublink:`%|py|199` """ if changes is None: changes = {} if stop != -1: self.LOG("SQL append table stop is ", stop) self._check_connection() nbinsert = 0 unique_key = {} if isinstance(file, list) or ( isinstance(file, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(file, str)): primarykey = None for c, v in columns.items(): if "PRIMARYKEY" in v: primarykey = v[0] if table not in self.get_table_list(): raise DBException("unable to find table " + table) all = 0 num_line = 0 for line in file: if stop != -1 and all >= stop: break dic = self._process_text_line(line, columns, format=format, lower_case=lower_case, num_line=num_line, filter_case=filter_case, strict_separator=strict_separator) if unique is not None: if dic[unique] in unique_key: continue unique_key[dic[unique]] = 0 num_line += 1 if dic is not None: self._get_insert_request(dic, table, True, primarykey, cursor=cursor, skip_exception=skip_exception) nbinsert += 1 #self._connection.execute (s) all += 1 if all % 100000 == 0: self.LOG( "adding %d lines into table %s" % (all, table)) else: primarykey = None for c, v in columns.items(): if "PRIMARYKEY" in v: primarykey = v[0] if table not in self.get_table_list(): table_list = self.get_table_list() message = "unable to find table " + table + \ " in [" + ",".join(table_list) + "]" raise DBException(message) column_has_space = len( [v[0] for k, v in columns.items() if ' ' in v[0]]) > 0 self.LOG( " column_has_space", column_has_space, [ v[0] for k, v in columns.items()]) if strict_separator or column_has_space: file = TextFile(file, errors='ignore', fLOG=self.LOG, encoding=encoding) skip = False else: self.LOG(" changes", changes) file = TextFileColumns(file, errors='ignore', fLOG=self.LOG, regex=columns, changes=changes, encoding=encoding) skip = True all = 0 num_line = 0 every = 100000 tsv = format == "tsv" for line in file: if stop != -1 and all >= stop: break num_line += 1 if skip: dic = line else: if header and num_line == 1: continue if len(line.strip("\r\n")) == 0: continue if tsv: dic = self._process_text_line(line, columns, format, lower_case=lower_case, num_line=num_line - 1, fill_missing=fill_missing, filter_case=filter_case, strict_separator=strict_separator) else: dic = format(line, **params) if dic is None: continue if unique is not None: if dic[unique] in unique_key: continue unique_key[dic[unique]] = 0 if dic is not None: self._get_insert_request( dic, table, True, primarykey, cursor=cursor) nbinsert += 1 all += 1 if all % every == 0: self.LOG( "adding %d lines into table %s" % (all, table)) file.close() if cursor is not None: cursor.close() self.commit() return nbinsert
[docs] def import_table_from_flat_file(self, file, table, columns, format="tsv", header=False, display=False, lower_case=False, table_exists=False, temporary=False, fill_missing=False, indexes=None, filter_case=None, change_to_text=None, strict_separator=False, add_key=None, encoding="utf-8", **params): """ Adds a table to database from a file. :param file: file name or matrix :param table: table name :param columns: columns definition (see below) if None: columns are guessed :param format: tsv, the only one accepted for the time being, it can be a function whose parameter are a line and **params :param header: the file has a header of not, if True, skip the first line :param lower_case: put every string in lower case before inserting it :param table_exists: if True, do not create the table :param temporary: adding a temporary table :param fill_missing: fill the missing values :param indexes: add indexes before appending all the available observations :param filter_case: process every case information (used to replace space for example) :param encoding: encoding :param params: see format :param change_to_text: changes the format from any to TEXT :param display: if True, print more information on stdout :param strict_separator: strict number of columns, it assumes there is no separator in the content of every column :param add_key: name of a key to add (or None if nothing to add) :return: the number of added rows The columns definition must follow the schema: - dictionary ``{ key: (column_name,python_type) }`` - or ``{ key: (column_name,python_type,preprocessing_function) }`` ``preprocessing_function`` is a function whose prototype is for example: :: def preprocessing_score (s) : return s.replace (",",".") And: - if ``PRIMARYKEY`` is added, the key is considered as the primary key - if ``AUTOINCREMENT`` is added, the key will automatically filled (like an id) .. warning:: The function does not react well when a column name includes a space. :githublink:`%|py|365` """ if indexes is None: indexes = [] if change_to_text is None: change_to_text = [] if display: if isinstance(file, list): self.LOG("processing file ", file[:min(len(file), 10)]) else: self.LOG("processing file ", file) self._check_connection() if columns is None: # here, some spaces might have been replaced by "_", we need to get # them back columns, changes = self._guess_columns( file, format, columns, filter_case=filter_case, header=header, encoding=encoding) elif isinstance(columns, list): columns_, changes = self._guess_columns( file, format, columns, filter_case=filter_case, header=header, encoding=encoding) if len(columns_) != len(columns): raise DBException( "different number of columns:\ncolumns={0}\nguessed={1}".format( str(columns), str(columns_))) columns = columns_ if add_key is not None: columns[len(columns)] = ( add_key, int, "PRIMARYKEY", "AUTOINCREMENT") for i in columns: v = columns[i] if v[0] in change_to_text: if len(v) <= 2: v = (v[0], (str, 1000000)) else: v = (v[0], (str, 1000000)) + v[2:] columns[i] = v if display: self.LOG(" columns ", columns) if not isinstance(file, list) and not os.path.exists(file): raise DBException("unable to find file " + file) if not table_exists: cursor = self.create_table(table, columns, temporary=temporary) elif table not in self.get_table_list(): raise DBException("unable to find table " + table + " (1)") else: cursor = None if table not in self.get_table_list(): raise DBException("unable to find table " + table + " (2)") nb = self._append_table(file, table, columns, format=format, header=header, lower_case=lower_case, cursor=cursor, fill_missing=fill_missing, filter_case=filter_case, strict_separator=strict_separator, changes=changes, encoding=encoding, **params) self.LOG(nb, " lines imported") for ind in indexes: if isinstance(ind, str): indexname = table + "_" + ind else: indexname = table + "_" + "_".join(ind) if not self.has_index(indexname): self.create_index(indexname, table, ind) return nb