Source code for pymyinstall.packaged.packaged_config_1_small

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines different a set of usual modules for Python.

import sys
from ..installhelper.module_install import ModuleInstall
from ..installhelper.install_cmd_helper import is_conda_distribution

[docs]def small_set(): """ list of modules to work with pandas, numpy, ipython, ... :githublink:`%|py|14` """ mod = [ # issues with this modules in a virtual environment raise a, b, c instead or raise (a, b, c) # ModuleInstall("futures", "pip", mname="concurrent.futures", # purpose="Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python # 3.2"), ModuleInstall( "wincertstore", "pip", purpose="Python module to extract CA and CRL certs from Windows' cert store (ctypes based).") \ if sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, ModuleInstall( "virtualenv", "pip", purpose="creatre virtual environments") if not is_conda_distribution() else None, ModuleInstall( "six", "pip", purpose="helpers for python 2/3 conversion"), ModuleInstall("lxml", "wheel", purpose="xml parsers (C++)"), ModuleInstall('markupsafe', 'pip', purpose="parses mardown"), ModuleInstall("jinja2", "pip", purpose="templating"), ModuleInstall("Mako", "pip", mname="mako", purpose="templating"), ModuleInstall( "pygments", "pip", purpose="syntax highlighting package written in Python"), ModuleInstall( "pyparsing", "pip", purpose="alternative approach to creating and executing simple grammars"), ModuleInstall("idna", "pip", usage="WEB", purpose="Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)"), ModuleInstall( "python-dateutil", "pip", "dateutil", purpose="helpers to manipulate dates"), ModuleInstall( "webencodings", "pip", purpose="Character encoding aliases for legacy web content"), ModuleInstall("soupsieve", "pip", purpose="Soup Sieve is a CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4."), ModuleInstall("beautifulsoup4", "pip", mname="bs4", purpose="Beautiful Soup sits atop an HTML or XML parser, providing Pythonic idioms for " + "iterating, searching, and modifying the parse tree."), ModuleInstall( "certifi", "pip", purpose="Certifi is a carefully curated collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness " + "of SSL certificates while verifying the identity of TLS hosts."), ModuleInstall("requests", "pip", purpose="human interface for http"), ModuleInstall( "coverage", "pip", purpose="measure the coverage of unit tests"), ModuleInstall("urllib3", "pip", purpose="urllib2 extension"), ModuleInstall( "chardet", "pip", usage="WEB", purpose="Universal encoding detector."), ModuleInstall( "codecov", "pip", purpose="submit coverage report to codecov"), ModuleInstall("nose", "pip", purpose="run unit tests"), ModuleInstall( "pytz", "pip", purpose="World timezone definitions, modern and historical"), ModuleInstall("pyreadline", "pip", purpose="python implementation of GNU readline functionality"), ModuleInstall( "pipdeptree", "pip", purpose="displays module dependencies as a tree"), ModuleInstall("jdcal", "pip", purpose="Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars."), ModuleInstall('et_xmlfile', "pip", purpose="et_xmlfile is a low memory library for creating large XML files (for openpyxl)."), ModuleInstall("openpyxl", "pip", purpose="reads/writes Excel files, version is 1.8.6 due to pandas which does not work with more recent verrsions yet"), ModuleInstall("xlrd", "pip", purpose="reads Excel files"), ModuleInstall("xlwt", "pip", purpose="writes Excel files"), ModuleInstall( 'XlsxWriter', 'pip', mname='xlsxwriter', purpose="writes Excel files"), ModuleInstall( "tornado", "wheel", purpose="python server, IPython relies on it", usage="NETWORK"), ModuleInstall( "sockjs-tornado", "pip", mname="sockjs.tornado", usage="NETWORK", purpose="SockJS-tornado is a Python server side counterpart of SockJS-client browser library running " + "on top of Tornado framework."), ModuleInstall( "pyzmq", "wheel", mname="zmq", purpose="python librairies for Omz (pipy distributes the binaries)", usage="NETWORK"), ModuleInstall( "pycparser", "pip", purpose="pycparser is a complete parser of the C language, written in pure " + "Python using the PLY parsing library. It parses C code into " + "an AST and can serve as a front-end for C compilers or analysis tools."), ModuleInstall("numpy", "wheel", purpose="matrix computation", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall("mkl_service", "wheel", mname="mkl", purpose="This package exposes a few functions which are declared in mkl_service.h. The main purpose of the " + "package is to allow the user to change the number of CPU's MKL is using at runtime.", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall("Cython", "wheel", mname="cython", purpose="pseudo C++ in python"), ModuleInstall("cycler", "pip", purpose="dependency for matplotlib", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall("kiwisolver", "wheel", purpose="Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm."), ModuleInstall("matplotlib", "wheel", purpose="most used plotting library", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall("mpl_finance", "github", "matplotlib", usage="VIZ", purpose="This module consists of code extracted from the deprecated " + "module along with a few examples of usage."), ModuleInstall("pywin32", "wheel2", mname="win32com", purpose="call Windows DLL", post=dict( pre_cmd="module_install_preprocess", cmd_python="{0}\\Scripts\\ -install"), usage="WINDOWS") if sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, ModuleInstall("pywin32-ctypes", "pip", mname="win32ctypes", purpose="call Windows DLL", usage="WINDOWS") if sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, ModuleInstall("winshell", "pip", purpose="Windows shell functions", usage="WINDOWS") if sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, ModuleInstall( "brewer2mpl", "pip", purpose="Connect color maps to Python and matplotlib"), ModuleInstall( "scipy", "wheel", purpose="scientific computation, eigen values, linear algebra", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall( "patsy", "pip", purpose="A Python package for describing statistical models and for building design matrices.", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall( "decorator", "pip", purpose="Better living through Python with decorators"), ModuleInstall( "networkx", "pip", purpose="graph libraries, basic drawing", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall( "graphviz", "pip", purpose="wrapper for graphviz (most famous tool to draw graphs", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall("pyrsistent", "pip", purpose="Pyrsistent is a number of persistent collections (by some referred to as functional data " "structures). Persistent in the sense that they are immutable."), ModuleInstall('attrs', 'pip', purpose="Attributes without boilerplate."), ModuleInstall( "jsonschema", "pip", purpose="An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python"), ModuleInstall( "mistune", "pip", purpose="The fastest markdown parser in pure Python with renderer features, inspired by marked."), ModuleInstall("wheel", "pip", purpose="handle wheels"), ModuleInstall( "alabaster", "pip", purpose="A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("babel", "pip", # version="1.3", purpose="Internationalization utilities, version 2.0 has bugs", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall( "colorama", "pip", purpose="Cross-platform colored terminal text.", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall( "wcwidth", "pip", purpose="Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "prompt_toolkit", "pip", purpose="Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("docutils", "pip", purpose="interpret RST format", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("packaging", "pip", purpose="Core utilities for Python packages"), ModuleInstall("sphinxcontrib-applehelp", "pip", mname="sphinxcontrib.applehelp", purpose="extension for Sphinx", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("sphinxcontrib-devhelp", "pip", mname="sphinxcontrib.devhelp", purpose="extension for Sphinx", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp", "pip", mname="sphinxcontrib.htmlhelp", purpose="extension for Sphinx", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("sphinxcontrib-jsmath", "pip", mname="sphinxcontrib.jsmath", purpose="extension for Sphinx", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("sphinxcontrib-qthelp", "pip", mname="sphinxcontrib.qthelp", purpose="extension for Sphinx", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml", "pip", mname="sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml", purpose="extension for Sphinx", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("sphinxcontrib-websupport", "pip", mname="sphinxcontrib.websupport", purpose="extension for Sphinx", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall( "sphinx", "pip", purpose="documentation generation based on RST", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall( 'imagesize', 'pip', usage="SPHINX", purpose="Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file"), # ModuleInstall( # 'sphinxcontrib-images', 'github', "sdpython", mname='sphinxcontrib.images', # usage="SPHINX", purpose="include images in Sphinx documentation"), ModuleInstall('pypiserver', 'pip', purpose="run a local pypi server"), ModuleInstall( "untokenize", "pip", purpose="Transforms tokens into original source code (while preserving whitespace).", usage="STYLE"), ModuleInstall( "pycodestyle", "pip", purpose="Python style guide checker", usage="STYLE"), ModuleInstall( "pep8", "pip", purpose="official guidelines on Python style"), ModuleInstall("autopep8", "pip", purpose="apply pep8 on a script", usage="STYLE"), ModuleInstall("docformatter", "pip", purpose="Formats docstrings to follow PEP 257.", usage="STYLE"), ModuleInstall("unify", "pip", purpose="Modifies strings to all use the same (single/double) quote where possible.", usage="STYLE"), ModuleInstall("mccabe", "pip", usage="STYLE", purpose="This module provides a plugin for flake8, the Python code checker."), ModuleInstall("pyflakes", "pip", purpose="verify pep8 on a script", usage="STYLE"), ModuleInstall("flake8", "pip", purpose="verify pep8 on a script", usage="STYLE"), ModuleInstall( "bottleneck", "wheel", purpose="pandas depenencies, faster arrays", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall( "pandas", "wheel", purpose="manipulate table as SQL in memory", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall( "statsmodels", "wheel", purpose="statistical modelling, depends on scipy", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall( "enum34", "pip", purpose="for ggplot, Object-oriented filesystem paths") if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 4) else None, ModuleInstall("fire", "pip", purpose="Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line " "interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object."), ModuleInstall("pathlib2", "pip", purpose="for ggplot, Object-oriented filesystem paths"), ModuleInstall("ggplot", "pip", purpose="ggplot graphics style"), ModuleInstall("plotnine", "pip", purpose="A grammar of graphics for Python"), ModuleInstall( "requests-file", "pip", mname="requests_file", purpose="File transport adapter for Requests"), ModuleInstall( "requests-ftp", "pip", mname="requests_ftp", purpose="FTP Transport Adapter for Requests"), ModuleInstall( "pandas-datareader", "pip", mname="pandas_datareader", purpose="Up to date remote data access for pandas, works for multiple versions of pandas.", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall("cftime", "wheel", purpose="Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python."), ModuleInstall("netCDF4", "wheel", purpose="xarray uses this module to save and read data (netCDF=Unidata network Common Data Form)"), ModuleInstall( "xarray", "pip", purpose="pandas like library for cubes (N-dimensional data)", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall( "threadpoolctl", "pip", purpose="Python helpers to limit the number of threads used in the " "threadpool-backed of common native libraries used for scientific computing and data science " "(e.g. BLAS and OpenMP)."), ModuleInstall( "joblib", "pip", purpose="distribute jobs, parallelization"), ModuleInstall( "scikit-learn", "wheel", mname="sklearn", purpose="machine learning", usage="DATA/ML"), # ipython ModuleInstall("pandocfilters", "pip", purpose="Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python"), ModuleInstall("pandoc-attributes", "pip", mname="pandocattributes", purpose="An Attribute class to be used with pandocfilters"), ModuleInstall("win_unicode_console", "pip", "Enable Unicode input and display when running Python from Windows console."), ModuleInstall( "ipython_genutils", "pip", purpose="IPython utils (nbformat)", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "html5lib", "pip", purpose="pure-python library for parsing HTML"), ModuleInstall("bleach", "pip", usage="WEB", purpose="An easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool."), ModuleInstall( "testpath", "pip", purpose="Test utilities for code working with files and commands"), ModuleInstall( "traitlets", "pip", purpose="IPython, dependency", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "pickleshare", "pip", purpose="IPython, dependency", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "simplegeneric", "pip", purpose="IPython, dependency", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "parso", "pip", purpose="Parso is a Python parser that supports error recovery and " + "round-trip parsing for different Python versions (in multiple Python versions). Parso " + "is also able to list multiple syntax errors in your python file."), ModuleInstall( "jedi", "pip", purpose="An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors."), ModuleInstall("backcall", "pip", usage="JUPYTER", purpose="Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API (IPython, Jupyter)"), ModuleInstall( "ipython", "pip", mname="IPython", purpose="IPython, Jupyter", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyter_core", "pip", purpose="Jupyter Core", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyter", "pip", purpose="Jupyter", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyter_client", "pip", purpose="Jupyter client", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyterlab_pygments", "pip", purpose="Jupyterlab", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "nbformat", "pip", purpose="IPython, notebooks conversion, new in Jupyter 4.0", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "entrypoints", "pip", purpose="Discover and load entry points from installed packages.", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "nbconvert", "pip", purpose="IPython, notebooks conversion, new in Jupyter 4.0", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyter_sphinx", "pip", purpose="Jupyter Sphinx Extensions", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyterlab-launcher", "pip", mname="jupyterlab_launcher", purpose="Jupyter Lab Launcher", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("jupyterlab-server", "pip", mname="jupyterlab_server", purpose="Jupyter Lab Server", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyterlab", "pip", purpose="Jupyter Lab", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "ipympl", "pip", purpose="Matplotlib Jupyter Extension", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "nbsphinx", "pip", purpose="nbsphinx is a Sphinx extension that provides a source parser for *.ipynb files.", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("PyPDF2", "pip", purpose="PDF toolkit", usage="PDF"), ModuleInstall( "", "pip", mname="ghost", purpose=" is a webkit web client written in python", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("nbbrowserpdf", "pip", purpose="LaTeX-free PDF generation from Jupyter Notebooks", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("Send2Trash", "pip", mname="send2trash", purpose="Send file to trash natively under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux."), ModuleInstall( "notedown", "pip", purpose="Convert markdown to IPython notebook.", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "ipykernel", "pip", purpose="IPython, Jupyter, kernels", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "qtconsole", "pip", purpose="IPython, notebooks, qtconsole", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("zipp", "pip", purpose="A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper."), ModuleInstall("importlib-metadata", "pip", mname="importlib_metadata", purpose="library to access the metadata for a Python package. It is intended to be ported to Python 3.8.", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "", "pip", mname="path", purpose="IPython, dependency", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "micropython-libc", "pip", mname="libc", purpose="dependency for ptyprocess, MicroPython FFI helper module", usage="JUPYTER/LINUX") if not sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, ModuleInstall( "micropython-ffilib", "pip", mname="ffi", purpose="dependency for ptyprocess, MicroPython FFI helper module", usage="JUPYTER/LINUX") if not sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, ModuleInstall( "micropython-fcntl", "pip", mname="fcntl", purpose="dependency for ptyprocess, Functions to compute fnctl.ioctl's opt argument", usage="JUPYTER/LINUX") if not sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, ModuleInstall( "ptyprocess", "pip", purpose="dependency for the terminado, Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal", usage="JUPYTER/LINUX"), ModuleInstall("pexpect", "pip", usage="JUPYTER", purpose="needed by ipykernel on Linux, Pexpect makes Python a better tool for controlling " + "other applications (needed by metakernel)."), ModuleInstall("pywinpty", "wheel", purpose="Python bindings for the winpty pseudo terminal library. It allows to create and " + "communicate with Windows processes that print outputs and recieve inputs via console input " + "and output pipes."), ModuleInstall( "terminado", "pip", purpose="dependency for the notebooks, Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets", usage="JUPYTER/LINUX"), ModuleInstall( "ipywidgets", "pip", purpose="IPython, Jupyter, widgets", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("ipyscales", "pip", purpose="A widget library for scales", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("ipydatawidgets", "pip", purpose="A set of widgets to help facilitate reuse of large datasets across widgets", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "backports_abc", "pip", purpose="A backport of recent additions to the '' module", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("yapf", "pip", purpose="Code formatter"), ModuleInstall( "widgetsnbextension", "pip", purpose="Interactive HTML widgets for Jupyter notebooks.", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyter_contrib_nbextensions", "github", "ipython-contrib", purpose="This repository contains a collection of extensions that add functionality to the Jupyter notebook.", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "backports.shutil-get-terminal-size", "pip", mname="backports", purpose="needed for Jupyter", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "prometheus_client", "pip", purpose="The official Python 2 and 3 client for Prometheus.", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "notebook", "pip", purpose="Jupyter notebooks, new in Jupyter 4.0", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "nbpresent", "pip", purpose="Next generation slides from Jupyter Notebooks", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "jupyter-console", "pip", mname="jupyter_console", purpose="Jupyter console, new in Jupyter 4.0", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( "metakernel", "pip", purpose="more magic commands for Jupyter", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall('SQLAlchemy', 'wheel', mname='sqlalchemy', purpose="model SQL queries as objects", usage="SQL"), ModuleInstall('sqlparse', 'pip', usage="SQL", purpose="Non-validating SQL parser"), ModuleInstall( "ipystata", "pip", purpose="Jupyter kernel for Stata", usage="JUPYTER/PY2") if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else None, ModuleInstall("jupyter-pip", "pip", mname="jupyterpip", purpose="Allows Jupyter notebook extension writers to make their extension pip installable!", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall("portalocker", "pip", usage="JUPYTER", purpose="Portalocker is a library to provide an easy API to file locking."), ModuleInstall("ipyparallel", "pip", usage="JUPYTER", purpose="Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython"), # end of ipython # ModuleInstall("typing", "pip", purpose="Type Hints for Python") if sys.version_info[ :2] < (3, 5) else None, ModuleInstall("typecheck-decorator", "pip", mname="typecheck", purpose="verifies decorators at running time"), ModuleInstall("requests-cache", "pip", mname="requests_cache", purpose="Persistent cache for requests library"), ModuleInstall("SIP", "pip", mname="sip", usage="GUI", purpose="For PyQt5"), ModuleInstall("ete3", "pip", "", usage="VIZ", purpose="tree visualisation, ete3 does not work with PyQt4 (2017-11)."), ModuleInstall("PyQt5-sip", "pip", mname="PyQt5_sip", usage="GUI"), ModuleInstall("PyQt5", "pip", usage="GUI"), ModuleInstall("shiboken2", "pip", purpose="for PySide"), ModuleInstall("qtpy", "pip", usage="GUI", purpose="single interface for QtPy4, 5, PySide"), ModuleInstall( "PySide2", "pip", purpose="The Qt for Python project aims to provide a complete port of the PySide module to Qt 5. ", usage="GUI"), ModuleInstall( "psutil", "wheel", purpose="cross-platform library for retrieving information " + "onrunning processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network)in Python."), # ModuleInstall( "rope_py3k", "pip", mname="rope", purpose="refactoring library") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else None, # ModuleInstall( "isort", "pip", purpose="A Python utility / library to sort Python imports."), ModuleInstall( "backports.functools_lru_cache", "pip", purpose="backports.functools_lru_cache"), ModuleInstall("lazy-object-proxy", "pip", mname="lazy_object_proxy", purpose="A fast and thorough lazy object proxy"), ModuleInstall("wrapt", "wheel", purpose="A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching."), ModuleInstall( "typed_ast", "pip", purpose="typed_ast is a Python 3 package that provides a Python 2.7 and Python 3 " "parser similar to the standard ast library."), ModuleInstall( "astroid", "pip", purpose="A abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support."), ModuleInstall( "pylint", "pip", purpose="statistics on Python script style"), # ModuleInstall( "pythonqwt", "pip", purpose="Qt plotting widgets (Spyder)"), ModuleInstall("wurlitzer", "pip", purpose="for spyder"), ModuleInstall("spyder-kernels", "pip", mname="spyder_kernels", purpose="Jupyter Kernels for the Spyder console"), ModuleInstall( "spyder", "pip", mname="spyderlib", purpose="scientific IDE"), ModuleInstall("dbfread", "pip", purpose="access DBase format"), ModuleInstall( "aenum", "pip", purpose="Advanced Enumerations (compatible with Python's stdlib Enum), NamedTuples, and NamedConstants"), ModuleInstall("dbf", "pip", purpose="access DBase format"), ModuleInstall( "xmltodict", "pip", purpose="Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON"), ModuleInstall( "ansiconv", "pip", purpose="A Python module for converting ANSI coded text and converts it to either plain text or HTML."), ModuleInstall( "ansi2html", "pip", purpose="Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML"), ModuleInstall( "nodeenv", "pip", purpose="Node.js virtual environment builder"), ModuleInstall("greenlet", "wheel", purpose="Greenlet allows lightweight in-process concurrent programming."), ModuleInstall( 'werkzeug', 'pip', purpose="The Swiss Army knife of Python web development"), ModuleInstall('itsdangerous', 'pip', purpose="Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back."), ModuleInstall('simplejson', 'wheel', purpose="Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python"), ModuleInstall( 'ijson', 'pip', purpose="Iterative JSON parser with a standard Python iterator interface"), ModuleInstall("click", "pip", purpose="A simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities."), ModuleInstall('flask', 'pip', usage="NETWORK", purpose="Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, " + "Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It's BSD licensed!"), ModuleInstall('flask-sqlalchemy', 'pip', mname='flask.ext.sqlalchemy', usage="NETWORK"), ModuleInstall('Flask-Login', 'pip', mname="flask_login", usage="NETWORK"), ModuleInstall("Flask-Cors", "pip", mname="flask_cors", purpose="A Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), " + "making cross-origin AJAX possible."), ModuleInstall('PyYAML', 'wheel', mname='yaml', purpose=" YAML parser and emitter for Python"), ModuleInstall('python-mimeparse', 'pip', purpose="A module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matching " + "them against a list of media-ranges. (falcon)"), ModuleInstall('falcon', 'pip', usage="NETWORK", purpose="Falcon is a very fast, very minimal Python web framework for building microservices, " + "app backends, and higher-level frameworks."), ModuleInstall('falcon-auth', 'pip', mname='falcon_auth', usage="NETWORK", purpose="A falcon middleware + authentication backends that adds authentication layer to you app/api service."), ModuleInstall('waitress', 'pip', usage="NETWORK", purpose="Waitress WSGI server"), ModuleInstall( 'markdown', 'pip', purpose="markdown parser (for bokeh)"), ModuleInstall( 'pystache', 'pip', purpose="Mustache for Python (for bokeh)"), ModuleInstall( 'bokeh', 'pip', purpose="interactive graphs, zoomable, javascript", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall( 'bkcharts', 'pip', purpose="High level chart types built on top of Bokeh", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall( 'traittypes', 'pip', purpose="Custom trait types for scientific computing."), ModuleInstall( 'bqplot', 'pip', purpose="interactive graphs, zoomable, d3.js for notebooks", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall( 'seaborn', 'pip', purpose="nicer graphs than matplotlib for statistical purposes", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall( 'scikit-plot', 'pip', purpose="nicer graphs than matplotlib for datascientist", usage="VIZ"), ModuleInstall( 'toolz', 'pip', purpose="Toolz provides a set of utility functions for iterators, functions, and dictionaries.", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall( 'cytoolz', 'wheel', purpose="Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities", usage="DATA/ML"), ModuleInstall('snowballstemmer', 'pip', purpose="This package provides 16 stemmer algorithms (15 + Porter English stemmer) generated from Snowball " + "algorithms, needed by sphinx-rtd-theme."), ModuleInstall('sphinx-rtd-theme', 'pip', mname='sphinx_rtd_theme', purpose="sphinx theme", usage="SPHINX"), ModuleInstall("feedparser", "pip", purpose="parse RSS streams"), ModuleInstall( "pbr", "pip", purpose="PBR is a library that injects some useful and sensible default behaviors into your setuptools run."), ModuleInstall( "multi-key-dict", "pip", mname="multi_key_dict", purpose="Multi key dictionary implementation"), ModuleInstall( "python-jenkins", "pip", mname="jenkins", purpose="interact with Jenkins"), ModuleInstall( 'envoy', 'pip', purpose="Simple API for running external processes."), ModuleInstall('Logbook', 'wheel', mname='logbook', purpose="A logging replacement for Python"), ModuleInstall( 'pkginfo', 'pip', purpose="Query metadatdata from sdists / bdists / installed packages."), ModuleInstall("multipledispatch", "pip", purpose="A relatively sane approach to multiple dispatch in Python."), ModuleInstall("future", "pip", purpose="Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2"), ModuleInstall("mock", "pip", purpose="mock is a library for testing in Python. It allows you to replace parts of your system " + "under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used."), ModuleInstall("multimethods", "pip", purpose="A multimethod implementation, loosely based on Guido’s initial ‘Five-minute Multimethods in Python."), ModuleInstall("distlib", "pip", purpose="Low-level components of distutils2/packaging, augmented with higher-level APIs for " "making packaging easier."), ModuleInstall("appdirs", "pip", purpose="A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs"), ModuleInstall("qgrid", "pip", usage="VIZ", purpose="A Pandas DataFrame viewer for IPython Notebook."), ModuleInstall("ujson", "wheel", purpose="Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python"), ModuleInstall("natsort", "pip", purpose="Sort lists naturally"), ModuleInstall("wget", "pip", purpose="pure python download utility"), ModuleInstall("queuelib", "pip", purpose="Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues"), ModuleInstall("semantic_version", "pip", purpose="A library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme."), ModuleInstall("unidecode", "pip", purpose="ASCII transliterations of Unicode text"), ModuleInstall("sqlite_bro", "pip", purpose="GUI for SQLite"), ModuleInstall("uvloop", "pip", purpose="Fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv") if sys.version_info[ :2] > (3, 5) and not sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, # requires VS 2015 ? ModuleInstall("tabulate", "pip", purpose="Pretty-print tabular data"), ModuleInstall("httpie", "pip", purpose="HTTPie - a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans"), ModuleInstall("version-information", "pip", mname="version_information", purpose="Version information"), ModuleInstall("isodate", "pip", purpose="An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter"), ModuleInstall("dominate", "pip", purpose="Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API."), ModuleInstall("mbstrdecoder", "pip", purpose="multi-byte character string decoder"), ModuleInstall("ipaddress", "pip", purpose="IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library"), ModuleInstall("typepy", "pip", purpose="A python library for variable type checker/validator/converter at run time."), ModuleInstall("pathvalidate", "pip", purpose="A python library to validate/sanitize a string such as filenames/variable-names/excel-sheet-names."), ModuleInstall("toml", "pip", purpose="Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language"), ModuleInstall("DataProperty", "pip", mname="dataproperty", purpose="Python library for extract property from data."), ModuleInstall("tabledata", "pip", purpose="A Python library to represent tabular data for pytablewriter/pytablereader/SimpleSQLite."), ModuleInstall("msgfy", "pip", purpose="msgfy is a Python library for convert Exception instance to a human-readable error message."), ModuleInstall("SimpleSQLite", "pip", mname="simplesqlite", purpose="SimpleSQLite is a Python library to simplify the table creation and data insertion into SQLite database."), ModuleInstall("sqliteschema", "pip", purpose="sqliteschema is a Python library to dump table schema of a SQLite database file."), ModuleInstall("pytablereader", "pip", purpose="A python library to load structured table data from files/URL with various data format: " + "CSV/Excel/HTML/JSON/LTSV/Markdown/TSV."), ModuleInstall("elasticsearch", "pip", purpose="Python client for Elasticsearch"), ModuleInstall("pytablewriter", "pip", purpose="convert a dataframe into many formats"), ModuleInstall("defusedxml", "pip", purpose="XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules"), ModuleInstall( "tqdm", "pip", purpose="A Simple Python Progress Meter", usage="JUPYTER"), ModuleInstall( 'olefile', 'pip', purpose="Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files " + "(Structured Storage or Compound Document, Microsoft Office) - Improved version of the " + "OleFileIO module from PIL, the Python Image Library."), ModuleInstall( 'Pillow', 'wheel', mname='PIL', purpose="read/create images"), # Sphinx extension to draw graphs. ModuleInstall( "webcolors", "pip", purpose="A library for working with color names and color value formats defined " + "by the HTML and CSS specifications for use in documents on the Web."), ModuleInstall( "funcparserlib", "pip", purpose="Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators"), ModuleInstall( "blockdiag", "pip", purpose="blockdiag generates block-diagram image from text"), ModuleInstall( "sphinxcontrib-blockdiag", "pip", mname="sphinxcontrib.blockdiag", purpose="Sphinx 'blockdiag' extension"), ] return [_ for _ in mod if _ is not None]