module cli.asv2csv#

Short summary#

module mlprodict.cli.asv2csv

Command line about exporting asv results into a dataframe.

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truncated documentation


Converts results produced by asv into csv.


Command line about exporting asv results into a dataframe.

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mlprodict.cli.asv2csv.asv2csv(folder, outfile=None, last_one=False, baseline=None, conf=None, fLOG=<built-in function print>)#

Converts results produced by asv into csv.

  • folder – folder where the results are

  • outfile – output the results into csv

  • last_one – converts only the last report into csv

  • baseline – baseline usually 'skl', if not empty, computes ratios

  • conf – test configuration, to retrieve more metadata

  • fLOG – logging function

Converts asv results into csv

The command converts asv results into csv.


python -m mlprodict asv2csv -f <folder> -o result.csv


python -m mlprodict asv2csv--help


Command not found: 'asv2csv--help'.

Available commands:

    asv2csv            Converts results produced by :epkg:`asv` into :epkg:`csv`.
    asv_bench          Creates an :epkg:`asv` benchmark in a folder
    benchmark_doc      Runs the benchmark published into the documentation
    benchmark_replay   The command rerun a benchmark if models were stored by
    convert_validate   Converts a model stored in *pkl* file and measure the differences
    dynamic_doc        Generates the documentation for ONNX operators.
    einsum_test        Investigates whether or not the decomposing einsum is faster.
    latency            Measures the latency of a model (python API).
    onnx_code          Exports an ONNX graph into a python code creating
    onnx_optim         Optimizes an ONNX model.
    onnx_stats         Computes statistics on an ONNX model.
    plot_onnx          Plots an ONNX graph on the standard output.
    validate_runtime   Walks through most of :epkg:`scikit-learn` operators

The filename may contain <date>, it is then replaced by the time now.

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