module onnxrt.validate.validate_difference#

Short summary#

module mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_difference

Validates runtime for many :scikit-learn: operators. The submodule relies on onnxconverter_common, sklearn-onnx.

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truncated documentation


Measures the relative difference between predictions between two ways of computing them. The functions returns nan …


Validates runtime for many :scikit-learn: operators. The submodule relies on onnxconverter_common, sklearn-onnx.

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mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_difference.measure_relative_difference(skl_pred, ort_pred, batch=True, abs_diff=False)#

Measures the relative difference between predictions between two ways of computing them. The functions returns nan if shapes are different.

  • skl_pred – prediction from scikit-learn or any other way

  • ort_pred – prediction from an ONNX runtime or any other way

  • batch – predictions are processed in a batch, skl_pred and ort_pred should be arrays or tuple or list of arrays

  • abs_diff – return the absolute difference


relative max difference or nan if it does not make any sense

Because approximations get bigger when the vector is high, the function computes an adjusted relative differences. Let’s assume X and Y are two vectors, let’s denote med(X) the median of X. The function returns the following metric: \max_i(|X_i - Y_i| / \max(X_i, med(|X|)).

The function takes the fourth highest difference, not the three first which may happen after a conversion into float32.

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